Beauty, Body, HealthDIY Anti-Inflammatory Poplar Bud Balm February 12, 2021 Renate de Mario Gamper Boasting a vast array of healing properties, the do-it-yourself healing balm can be massaged into sore muscles and brings wonders to dry skin.
Body, FitnessSwimming for Fitness – How to Improve Your Performance in the Water February 2, 2021 Swimming is ideal to train the entire body and improve endurance whilst protecting your joints. Here are some tips to improve your performance.
Body, Healing Water, HealthHow Water Can Help Your Mental Health January 28, 2021 Oscar Collins The connection between water and psychological health is fascinating. So, what are the benefits of water for your brain?
Ayurveda, Body, Healing Hotels, Health3 Simple Ayurveda Tips to Boost Immunity January 21, 2021 Subhash Annoji Shanbhag Learn how to give your immune system a boost with these simple tips extracted from the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda by an Ayurvedic expert.
Body, Weight LossHow to Lose Weight Without Making Huge Sacrifices to Your Lifestyle December 10, 2020 We compiled a list of some small changes you can make to help you reach your weight loss goals that don’t require huge sacrifices.
Body, FitnessWhy Now is the Perfect Time to Develop Your Fitness Passion December 7, 2020 With the pandemic still in full swing, we need to take good care of ourselves. Exercising is a wonderful way to boost the mood and the immune system.
Ayurveda, Body, Mind, New ConsciousnessHow to Access Everlasting Joy November 13, 2020 Acharya Shunya In this beautifully written article you will learn how to access and pursuit your inner happiness and about the true meaning of ANANDA.
Body, Graceful Aging, Soul, SpiritualityCaring for the Spirit of Persons Living with Dementia November 9, 2020 Holly Shaw Offering spiritual support for people with dementia is a vital aspect in their care, since spirituality has a strong impact on a persons wellbeing.
Body, HealthThe Link between Covid-19 and Underlying Health Conditions October 21, 2020 The coronavirus is still something new, but what we do know is that some health conditions can exacerbate a covid-19 diagnosis. Here is a list.
Body, HealthIncrease Your Productivity With Biohacking October 9, 2020 Maxim Kazimirsky 4 comments Don't we all look to improve our lives, be healthier, younger and more productive? Biohacking is a tool that can help you to achieve all those goals.
Body, Fitness, HealthWhy You Should and Shouldn’t Work Out While Pregnant September 10, 2020 Katherine Rundell In this article, we are exploring the pros and cons of working out while you’re pregnant, giving you a clear idea of what you need to look out for.
Body, Health, Mind, Yoga7 Health Benefits of Yoga August 24, 2020 Amelia Grant People who regularly practice yoga and mediation know about the amazing benefits of this ancient philosophy. If you are new, read this to learn more.
Body, HealthAbout Frequency-Wave Imprinting August 6, 2020 Maxim Kazimirsky 2 comments By measuring your electromagnetic vibrations, you can assess your state of health, and make a preventative forecast for your future health.
Beauty, Body6 Surprising Home Remedies to Remove Acne Scars July 9, 2020 Amelia Grant For clear, glowing and healthy skin, we comprised six easy tips and tricks that you can try at home to get rid of acne scars in a natural way.
Ayurveda, BodyAyurvedic Body Type: Vata, Pitta or Kapha – Which Dosha Are You? July 3, 2020 Lisa Mauracher Knowing your personal dosha can be of great help to make better and healthier lifestyle choices and to simply learn more about yourself.
Body, HealthHealth and Wellbeing While Pregnant May 22, 2020 Donna Maurer Here is what soon-to-be moms should know to enjoy a happy and healthy pregnancy and to prepare mentally and physically for birth.
Body, HealthStaying Strong and Healthy During a Pandemic May 19, 2020 Maxim Kazimirsky Learn about the workings of the coronavirus and what kind of preventive measures you can take to protect yourself and boost your immune system.
Body, Food, Nutrition, Sleep8 Vitamins That Your Body May Lack if You Don’t Get Enough Sleep May 11, 2020 Amelia Grant 1 comment Vitamins are not only important for our overall health and wellbeing, but some of them are absolutely vital for a good nights rest.
Body, HealthThe Effects of Stress on The Immune System May 8, 2020 Maxim Kazimirsky Chronic stress is not only mentally draining, but also has a devastating effect on our overall health, especially on our immune system. Learn more.
Body, FitnessAdvice for Senior Athletes in Quarantine April 27, 2020 Jim Davis Due to social distancing, senior athletes of spring and summer 2020 missed out on their chance for a proper goodbye. Here are some coping tips.