Holistic Lifestyle, Life5 Essential Tips for Conquering Your Solo Travel Anxiety May 21, 2021 Derek Lotts Traveling solo can be quite empowering. However, you might want to prepare for a trip alone a bit differently. Here are 5 tips on how to do it right.
Holistic Lifestyle, LifeHow to Redefine Wealth For Yourself May 5, 2021 Ewa Biging We sat down with Patrice Washington to discuss her book "Redefine Wealth for Yourself" and how her holistic approach to wealth goes beyond money.
Green Living, Holistic Lifestyle, LifeThe Restorative Art of Forest Bathing March 19, 2021 Jessica M. Collins 1 comment Being in nature does wonders to your heart and soul. We took a deeper look into the art of Shinrin-yoku and compiled four striking benefits for you.
Holistic Lifestyle, LifeGrow Your Gratitude: How To Start A Gratitude Journal February 26, 2021 Lauren Groff 1 comment Gratitude journaling can be so satisfying and beneficial for your mental wellbeing. We compiled some tips and ideas on how to get started.
Design, Holistic Lifestyle, LifeTurn Your Bedroom Into a Self-Care Sanctuary February 17, 2021 Derek Lotts Everything in your bedroom should be dedicated to nourishing your mind, body and soul. We have compiled some wonderful ideas to guide you.
Holistic Lifestyle, LifePeer Support: What is it and How Can it Benefit You? November 20, 2020 When going through a personal crisis, it can be quite beneficial to have somebody to talk to. This article explains the power of peer support.
Design, Holistic Lifestyle, Life12 Nesting Projects to do before Your Baby Comes November 16, 2020 Jasmine Anderson If you are pregnant, there are certain things you need to cover before the baby arrives. We compiled a list to keep in mind when you’re nesting.
Holistic Lifestyle, LifeRetail Therapy – Do’s and Don’ts on How To Do It Sensibly June 19, 2020 If you love shopping, you know that it can be great to release stress. But be careful and use this release mindfully to not reverse the effects.
Holistic Lifestyle, Life, Mind, New ConsciousnessEstablishing Healthy Personal Boundaries May 29, 2020 Regina Raap In order to protect yourself and for your mental and emotional wellbeing, boundary setting is absolutely vital. Learn here how and why.
Holistic Lifestyle, LifeChoose Your Words & Change Your World May 15, 2020 Jackie Roby How we approach people and situations in our life has a strong impact on our wellbeing. So read on to learn about practical optimism and positivity.
Holistic Lifestyle, LifeHow to be Productive While Working From Home With These Daily Habits May 4, 2020 Daniela McVicker Home office is the new normal and this is not always easy, as distractions are lurking everywhere. Here are some tips to keep productivity high.
Holistic Lifestyle, LifeOn Boredom and a Newfound Love for Humanity April 20, 2020 Ewa Biging In this opinion piece, our Editor in Chief reflects upon the issue of boredom in times of social distancing and how this sparked a newfound love.
Anti-Stress, Body, Holistic Lifestyle, LifeHow to Find Balance in Times of Uncertainty April 3, 2020 Christelle Chopard Many of us may feel a bit out of focus. In this article, Christelle Chopard will guide you through the five elements to regain your balance.
Holistic Lifestyle, LifeEditor’s Voice: Getting Out of Panic Mode March 13, 2020 Ewa Biging The disruptions caused by the Coronavirus seem to be getting worse by the minute, so how do we stay sane through all of this - an opinion.
Holistic Lifestyle, LifeYour Unlived Life December 2, 2019 Kirsten de Bouter The unlived life is an itch, a longing, that we all carry within us, but never act upon. If we dare to open the gates, huge potential awaits us.
Holistic Lifestyle, LifeEssential Oils and Travel: A Complete Guide August 27, 2019 Stacey Gavin Essential oils have a variety of benefits. Read on and learn what they are and how to use them when you are on the go.
Beauty, Body, Holistic Lifestyle, LifeEarth Offerings: The Power of Earthy Beauty August 23, 2019 Isabelle Jan Cultivate beauty from within through offerings as a living meditation ritual. Learn how to harness the power of earth rituals in your daily life.
Holistic Lifestyle, LifeFinding Order in Chaos June 30, 2019 Christelle Chopard Life can be crazy with politics, environmental change and exploding populations. Here are some ideas on how you can regain your balance.
Holistic Lifestyle, LifeHappiness is an Inside Job June 25, 2019 John Doran We all tend to be chased by the thought that we aren't enough. Learn how to let go of your fears and how to tap into your inner strength.
Body, Healing Hotels, Health, Holistic Lifestyle, LifeThe Pearls and Promises of Travel to Heal May 31, 2019 Anne Biging Healing today is becoming so much more than just "the restoration of health" - it is a lifestyle. In combination with travel a new world can unfold.