Mind, New ConsciousnessSuperconscious Miracle Healing April 28, 2021 Mark Mincolla Our immortal, or superconscious self, is more than capable of making miracles. Educate and nourish your inner self to access this healing power.
Mind, New ConsciousnessFinding Presence in Uncertainty April 9, 2021 Grace Marshall The past year has been intense. But, instead of looking for the light at the end of the tunnel, how can we find peace in the midst of uncertainty.
Mind, Mindfulness, New ConsciousnessChange Your Mindset From Lack to Abundance February 8, 2021 Ana Lilia Attract more abundance in your life by shifting your mindset from thinking about lack, fear and scarcity to positivity and abundance.
Mind, Mindfulness, New ConsciousnessProtecting Your Mental Health During the Holidays December 4, 2020 Tess Brigham To manage feelings of isolation and uncertainty and to protect your mental health this holiday season, Tess recommends to focus on three “mantras".
Mind, New ConsciousnessIt Isn’t Over Yet, But we Are Learning How to Cope November 23, 2020 Beth Gantz 2020 has been disruptive for most of us. But please do not despair. We are all in this together and we will all learn how to cope together.
Ayurveda, Body, Mind, New ConsciousnessHow to Access Everlasting Joy November 13, 2020 Acharya Shunya In this beautifully written article you will learn how to access and pursuit your inner happiness and about the true meaning of ANANDA.
Mind, Mindfulness, New ConsciousnessHow to Become Your Own Motivational Power Source October 29, 2020 Beth Gantz 3 comments Learn the successful person's secret to staying motivated and taking action every day. Just a hint, it is probably not what you expected...
Healing Hotels, Mind, New ConsciousnessThe Magic of Virtual Retreats October 5, 2020 Jane Kitchen Having attended one the virtual retreats by Healing Hotels, Jane can give us a detailed insight into how they work and what you can expect.
Mind, New Consciousness4 Reasons to Practice Conscious Connected Breathing September 22, 2020 Maria Leonard By creating a loving relationship with your breath, you can dive deeper into your subconscious mind and clear up old thought patterns and beliefs.
Mind, New ConsciousnessAbout the Moon Cycles & How to Use Their Energies Wisely September 1, 2020 Christelle Chopard Since ancient times, people were fascinated with the coming and going of the moon. The different phases harness different energies and powers...
Mind, New Consciousness, Soul, SpiritualityHow to Tune Into Your Universal Intelligence August 18, 2020 Amy White Learning to tune into inspired moments and find the guidance within them can be an empowering way for you to move through the world with more ease.
Mind, New Consciousness, Soul, Spirituality10 Steps to Inner Joy And Universal Connection August 11, 2020 Micky Havelock 3 comments When feelings of fear are threatening to overpower you, take a journey within to manifest abundance, joy and happiness in your life. Here is how.
Mind, New Consciousness, Soul, SpiritualityHealing Uncertainty: How Your Thoughts Can Create Your Reality June 5, 2020 Leo Altomar Building inner certainty is one of the most beautiful attributes one can pursue. It can be a catalyst by overcoming numerous holdbacks in life.
Holistic Lifestyle, Life, Mind, New ConsciousnessEstablishing Healthy Personal Boundaries May 29, 2020 Regina Raap In order to protect yourself and for your mental and emotional wellbeing, boundary setting is absolutely vital. Learn here how and why.
Mind, New ConsciousnessMoving Past Limiting Beliefs February 18, 2020 David Richards Best-selling author David Richards explains the importance of moving past your limiting beliefs and rather focusing on want you truly want in life.
Mind, Mindfulness, New ConsciousnessHow to Find Peace of Mind and Happiness January 13, 2020 Om Singh Learn about 10 easy things you can easily incorporate in your routine to become more relaxed and happy in your day to day life. Give it a try!
Healing Hotels, Life, Mind, New ConsciousnessA Journey at The Retreat Costa Rica December 9, 2019 Christelle Chopard Christelle Chopard takes you on a journey to The Retreat. Experience the beauty and the magnificence of this very special place through her eyes.
Body, Fitness, Mind, New ConsciousnessThe Importance of Physical Fitness in Mental Performance November 19, 2019 Helen Bradford A good sweat can have an incredible effect on your mood, psyche and overall performance. Read on to learn more.
Mind, Mindfulness, New ConsciousnessLet Your Thoughts Come From a Place of Love Not Fear November 14, 2019 Amanda Brown In her new book, Lipstick Principles, Amanda Brown teaches us how to let go of worry and fear. Here is a little insight into her methodology.
Mind, New ConsciousnessThe Manifestation of Peace September 19, 2019 Christelle Chopard On this years International Day of Peace you can embark on a journey that embraces the 5 elements to manifest peace in your and other people's lives.