Me-Time Reflection on a New Reality
© Maksim Goncharenok
In this me-time reflection we will focus on creating a new reality. Do you feel a sensation and urge to return to your ‘old’ life? Perhaps FOMO, fear of missing out is returning as everybody seems to frantically be busy again.
Ask yourself where am I on the scale of 0 – 10 (10 being FOMO intensified) right now? Are you rushing to have your ‘old’ life back or are you allowing yourself to step back and examine yourself? In the absence of a clear path of the future the temptation to fall back into the ‘old’, what we know and feel comfortable with, is ever present.
But we are in the middle of an evolutionary shift – coincidentally 11/11 (11th Nov) also known as a portal opening to higher guidance and higher realms – the next couple of months are particularly important. In fact each step, each decision you take now is important. You are asked to create your new reality, a new life aligned to who you truly are and your innermost aspiration. Embrace this gift fully. Consciously. It’s time to lean further than ever before into your life to recalibrate and renew your system so you can operate at a higher, more sustainable engaging frequency.
Me-Time reflection
We have selected a meditation for you to experience a feeling of connectedness with your own truth. When we are one with our own truth we are not missing out on anything. We are complete. We take one step at a time to feel joy, courage and confidence.
May you be complete.
From my heart to your heart,