You and Your Body
© Anna Shvets
In recent months you may feel tired, sluggish, lack of interest or maybe you are drawn towards a more quiet time being with yourself. You are not becoming boring or anything else your mind wants to tell you; instead congratulate yourself! You are making progress on the spiritual path; you are taking an interest in who you truly are. Getting to know myself and holding my curiosity for the ever-changing ‘me’ is the journey of awakening.
Your Body Connection
Today, I want to share what tends to happen when we are more deeply engaged with our own self. We become curious. We open our perception beyond the mind’s eye of illusion.
Often during this phase we start making lifestyle changes. We extend our curiosity to our body. We question the food we eat and how to improve our diet to feel lighter and healthier. As you are becoming more flexible how you see the world so is your body seeking increased flexibility. You may find yourself taking up a new sport or yoga, spending more time outdoors; activities which are more in alignment with the emergence of who you are becoming. Maybe you tend to gradually extend your interest in anything ‘natural’ such as organic foods, organic (homemade) cosmetics etc. Or you are exploring a new lifestyle in support of your inner progress and you become more sensitive towards your body and its needs.
Our bodies are all different and unique. Feel into your body, talk to it, nourish it in the same way you nourish your soul through meditation, breath work and the likes.
A gentle meditation
The selected meditation is a gentle reminder to come home to yourself.
Connect with yourself with compassion and care.
From my heart to your heart,