Elle Hari
Elle Hari is a bestselling author, teacher, coach, and Twin Flame and Ascension Alchemist. Her true purpose in life is to help people on their Twin Flame journey. She is the founder and CEO of Elle Hari Universal LLC and the creator of the Be With Your Twin Flame and Mastery of Ascension Alchemy brands, as well as the host of the Twin Flame Truth Podcast. Through these different platforms, she has successfully helped thousands of people worldwide attain perpetual peace, love and abundance, and complete their work with their soul energy. She has recently been named to the prestigious Brainz Global 500 List for 2020 alongside Vice-President Kamala Harris and Elon Musk and the Top 10 Powerful Women in 2021 on Yahoo! Finance alongside Oprah Winfrey. For her expertise, Elle has been featured in the national tv show, The List TV, Nicki Swift, New York Weekly, Chicago Journal, Elephant Journal, and more. Additionally, Elle has written four bestselling books including 2021’s Savvy Spirituality: The Sophisticated, Fun & Fabulous Person's Ultimate Guide to Everlasting Happiness which teaches how to use your soul energy to manifest true desires into the physical world.