Body, Weight LossSustainable Weight Loss vs Fad Diets December 9, 2022 Diets and a health conscious lifestyle are more relevant than ever. However, be aware of fad diets and rather go down the holistic road.
Food, NutritionThe Wonderful Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar October 7, 2022 Emma Thackray Discover the multitude of health benefits apple cider vinegar has on offer and some simple ways you can incorporate it into your diet.
Food, NutritionGetting the Nutrients on a Vegan Diet August 3, 2020 Vegan diets can be challenging to keep up with but with the right food habits you can achieve the enriching goals of a healthy and prolonged life.
Body, Food, Nutrition, SleepHow Diet Affects Sleep Quality April 29, 2019 Jackie Kepler Learn here what to eat and which foods to avoid for an optimal nights rest. Sleep well!
Food, Mind, Mindfulness, NutritionBalancing and Nurturing the Five Senses August 14, 2018 Christelle Chopard Create a deeper sense of wellbeing by taking care of your five senses. Learn how to nurture and develop them and bring more balance to your life.
Body, Food, Health, NutritionUnderestimated Issue: Chronic Inflammation August 10, 2018 Dr. Helen Muir 1 comment Chronic inflammation is one of the most underestimated health issues today, as chronic diseases are the leading cause of death in our modern times.
Body, Detox, Health, Mind, New ConsciousnessSwitch off Your Smartphone, Turn on Your Digestive System June 19, 2018 K. Matthias Rolle This article explores the basic rules of conduct for a healthy gut with or without changing your diet.
Body, Weight LossA Holistic View on Weight Loss April 20, 2018 Dr. Grace Ravindran 4 comments Obesity numbers have tripled and reduce life expectancy. Yet overweight is preventable. Learn about natural interventions.
Body, Health, Meditation, Mind, MindfulnessPain Management Starts In The Mind April 12, 2018 Jess Walter This article explores a holistic approach for pain management. Try these methods and see what works for you!
Body, Weight LossKeeping it Simple with the 3 Day Diet September 26, 2017 Jess Walter The 3 Day Diet assists you with reaching your feel-good weight in an easy and effective way.
Body, Food, Nutrition, Weight LossHow The 50/50 Diet Can Lead to Lasting Health July 27, 2017 Dr. Rubia Afza Shariff Learn more about how a 50/50 diet is connected to the nutrition of our ancestors and why you should try it.
Food, RecipesSuper Easy Gluten-Free & Low-Carb Bread June 29, 2017 Craig Burton Upgrade your daily breakfast with our easy recipe for this low-carb and gluten-free bread.
Body, Food, Health, NutritionA Word About Decaf May 19, 2017 Jess Walter This article gives you an inside view about the effects of caffeine and if it is compatible with a healthy lifestyle.
Food, NutritionThe Pillars of Healthy Eating April 11, 2017 Alex Griffith 2 comments Healthy eating plays a big role in Ayurveda. Learn more about the essential pillars of healthy nutrition and how to integrate them into your routine.
Food, RecipesZucchini Fritters with Tomato & Feta Relish October 7, 2016 Justin Morrow Delicious and healthy Zucchini Fritters with tomato and feta: Here is a recipe which is quick and easy to make. All you need is a handful of...
Ayurveda, BodyAn Ayurvedic View on Addiction August 2, 2016 Dr. Vikas Gupta 2 comments Learn how to see addiction from an Ayurvedic perspective and how to overcome the cause by using natural and holistic measures.
Ayurveda, BodyAyurvedic Guide Through Summer June 24, 2016 Dr. Vikas Gupta When summer hits, there are a few eating habits related to your dosha type that you need to consider. Which? Find out here.
Body, Fitness, Food, Nutrition, Weight LossFit But Fat – a Revolutionary View on Weight-Loss June 15, 2016 Dr. med. Philip Catalá-Lehnen 2 comments Exercise as much as you can to lose weight? - Wrong!! We will explain why that statement is false.
Food, RecipesDairy Free Coconut Yoghurt March 15, 2016 Samantha Gowing 3 comments Are dairy products not on your shopping list? Then try this recipe for a dairy free coconut yoghurt - so yummy!
Food, NutritionA Raw Food Lifestyle March 2, 2016 Gabriela Lerner A raw food lifestyle does not have to be restrictive, nor does it lack any proteins. If done right, it is very healthy and nutritious.