Mind, Yoga5 Essential Postures in Hatha Yoga January 26, 2022 Karen Ojeda The main asanas of Hatha Yoga are designed to help you reach your maximum potential and to allow for a deeper spiritual practices such as meditation.
Mind, YogaYoga for Resilience June 3, 2021 Christelle Chopard In this article you will find a combination of breathing techniques, mudras and a series of 6 asanas that will help you boost resilience.
Healing Hotels, Inspirational Podcasts, LifeHealing Wisdom Podcast: The Path to Self-Love and Happiness April 20, 2021 Valerie Smaldone 1 comment Listen to the fascinating story of John Stewart, who, as a young man met someone by chance who changed his life over night and set him on a path.
Meditation, MindHow Meditation Can Help You Through The COVID-19 Stress January 15, 2021 April Meyers This article explains why meditation is such a potent tool against stress and how you can use it to come out of the pandemic even stronger.
Mind, Mindfulness, YogaFive Days of Gratitude: 4. Earth Element December 17, 2020 Christelle Chopard Today we will focus on the element of earth by showing gratitude towards all living beings and focusing on mother earth. What are you grateful for?
Mind, Mindfulness, YogaFive Days of Gratitude: 3. Water Element December 16, 2020 Christelle Chopard In a follow along ritual, you will learn how to infuse your water with gratitude to balance out the water element and foster emotional wellbeing.
Mind, Mindfulness, YogaFive Days of Gratitude: 2. Fire Element December 15, 2020 Christelle Chopard On the second day of our five day yoga journey, we will learn how to light our inner fire to inspire leadership, empathy and charisma.
Mind, Mindfulness, YogaFive Days of Gratitude: 1. Air Element December 14, 2020 Christelle Chopard We will start our gratitude week by deeply connecting to the air element. Certain breathing and journaling techniques will clear your mind and body.
Meditation, Mind, YogaA Special Gift During the Holidays: 5-Days of Gratitude December 9, 2020 Christelle Chopard As we are approaching the completion of the quite memorable year 2020, we would love to invite you to a 5-day gratitude yoga journey.
Ayurveda, Body, Mind, New ConsciousnessHow to Access Everlasting Joy November 13, 2020 Acharya Shunya In this beautifully written article you will learn how to access and pursuit your inner happiness and about the true meaning of ANANDA.
Body, Fitness, HealthWhy You Should and Shouldn’t Work Out While Pregnant September 10, 2020 Katherine Rundell In this article, we are exploring the pros and cons of working out while you’re pregnant, giving you a clear idea of what you need to look out for.
Body, Health, Mind, Yoga7 Health Benefits of Yoga August 24, 2020 Amelia Grant People who regularly practice yoga and mediation know about the amazing benefits of this ancient philosophy. If you are new, read this to learn more.
Mind, YogaExplore Your Mind and Thrive: Making Yoga Practical July 20, 2020 Rachel Bonkink Beyond the postures: by focusing on the power of the mind we can dive deep into self exploration to cultivate calmness and kindness from within.
Beauty, Body, FitnessBeing at Home: Self-Help for Self-Quarantine March 27, 2020 Reena Sheth Many of us are confined to our homes currently. But instead of despair, let's try and focus on some much needed self-care measures.
Ayurveda, Beauty, Body5 Ayurvedic Self-Care Practices to Bring in More Love March 9, 2020 Narissa Moeller Ayurveda, as the science of life, offers great ideas and key tips to practice self-love and self-care everyday, since everyday is a blessing.
Mind, Mindfulness, New ConsciousnessHow to Find Peace of Mind and Happiness January 13, 2020 Om Singh Learn about 10 easy things you can easily incorporate in your routine to become more relaxed and happy in your day to day life. Give it a try!
Body, Graceful Aging, Meditation, Mind, YogaThe Life-Changing Benefits of Yoga and Meditation for Seniors December 16, 2019 Sarah Kaminski Meditation and yoga make fantastic companions for seniors, as they do wonders for ones physical and mental health.
Mind, Yoga7 Couple Yoga Poses to Strengthen Your Relationship June 17, 2019 Om Singh If you seek to connect with your partner on a deeper level, try couple yoga. Here are some ideas on the benefits and how to get started.
Mind, YogaBefore & After Yoga: the Best Routine for You May 29, 2019 Tess DiNapoli Get the most out of your yoga session by creating your optimal before and after routine. Here are some tips for you.
Mind, Yoga7 Reasons Why a Yoga Workout is Better Than the Gym April 17, 2019 Yoga targets not only the body, but also mind and soul. It is a holistic approach to bring your body into shape, tone up and strengthen.