Body, FitnessWhy it’s Easier Than Ever to Take Care of Your Health March 22, 2022 We all struggle with self-care sometimes. The good news is that technology and virtual availability are making self-care easier and more accessible.
Body, Fitness6 Tips for Balancing Your Busy Schedule with Your Fitness Goals January 4, 2022 Derek Lotts 1 comment Here are just some of the most efficient tips that will allow you to achieve your fitness goals despite that busy schedule of yours.
Body, Fitness, Food, NutritionThe Benefits of Protein for Health and Fitness September 20, 2021 Protein is vital for anyone who wants to achieve their fitness goals. Here, we have listed the main benefits of increasing your protein intake.
Body, FitnessAnkle, Shoulder, and Back Exercises You Need to Know July 29, 2021 Zac Ferry If you are into weight training this one is for you. We have compiled the best exercises for ankle, shoulder and back training.
Body, Fitness, Weight LossFive Tips to Motivate Yourself at the Gym June 29, 2021 If you have trouble getting yourself into a workout routine, read on for a few tried and true tips to get yourself motivated for the gym.
Body, FitnessSwimming for Fitness – How to Improve Your Performance in the Water February 2, 2021 Swimming is ideal to train the entire body and improve endurance whilst protecting your joints. Here are some tips to improve your performance.
Body, FitnessWhy Now is the Perfect Time to Develop Your Fitness Passion December 7, 2020 With the pandemic still in full swing, we need to take good care of ourselves. Exercising is a wonderful way to boost the mood and the immune system.
Body, FitnessAdvice for Senior Athletes in Quarantine April 27, 2020 Jim Davis Due to social distancing, senior athletes of spring and summer 2020 missed out on their chance for a proper goodbye. Here are some coping tips.
Body, FitnessAvoiding All of The Worst Morning Workout Mistakes January 6, 2020 Aimee Laurence 1 comment Working out, especially in the morning, has many benefits no doubt. Here is a list of mistakes to avoid to get the most out of your routine.
Body, Fitness, Mind, New ConsciousnessThe Importance of Physical Fitness in Mental Performance November 19, 2019 Helen Bradford A good sweat can have an incredible effect on your mood, psyche and overall performance. Read on to learn more.
Body, FitnessBenefits of a Beach Walk – Learn About Postural Training July 16, 2019 Marco Viale Postural exercises allow you to re-educate your body to perform any movement accurately and thus restores an overall sense of alignment and balance.
Mind, Yoga7 Reasons Why a Yoga Workout is Better Than the Gym April 17, 2019 Yoga targets not only the body, but also mind and soul. It is a holistic approach to bring your body into shape, tone up and strengthen.
Body, FitnessFitness After an Injury: How to Get Back on Track Safely November 1, 2018 Caitlin Evans Here are some valuable insights for anyone suffering from an injury, who wants to get back to his or hers fitness routine.
Body, Health, Holistic Lifestyle, Life6 Easy Steps to Create a Healthy Routine October 23, 2018 Luke Mitchell Become the best version of yourself. In this article, we will be sharing six easy steps to adapt your normal routine to a healthy one.
Body, Fitness5 Tips on How to Stay Fit Through Winter August 2, 2018 Craig McGarry If you live in the southern hemisphere you are in the midst of winter. Here are 5 top tips how to stay fit through winter.
Body, FitnessA Vintage Approach to Fitness July 18, 2016 We present the healthiest way to get fit and to become happy: Fùre. Never heard of it? Read here.
Ayurveda, Body, FitnessAyurvedic Exercise: The Best Exercise for Your Body Type June 21, 2016 Tegan Wallis Find out what your perfect exercise is according to your Dosha type. It can change your whole being.
Body, Fitness, Food, Nutrition, Weight LossFit But Fat – a Revolutionary View on Weight-Loss June 15, 2016 Dr. med. Philip Catalá-Lehnen 2 comments Exercise as much as you can to lose weight? - Wrong!! We will explain why that statement is false.
Body, FitnessWhat’s the Perfect Exercise for You? November 19, 2015 Shannon Brennan-Cressey Finding the perfect exercise for oneself can be difficult. This article is about my favorite exercise and why I love it.
Body, FitnessTai Chi – Let the Energy Flow September 23, 2015 Carl Zimmerling Learn about the workings and the benefits of Tai Chi. Focus on yourself and let the energy flow.