Body, Healing Water, HealthThe Power of Hydration for Physical and Mental Well-Being October 25, 2023 Derek Lotts A simple but efficient boost for your wellbeing: We have put together the top 8 benefits that proper hydration has on your body and mind.
Holistic Lifestyle, Life, Mind, New ConsciousnessThe Benefits of Pets for Your Mental Health December 16, 2022 Derek Lotts Pets can do wonders for our mental health, as these furry (or feathery) little friends have a subtle effect on our overall emotional wellbeing.
Body, Health, Mind, MindfulnessMens Sana in Corpore Sano – A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body September 23, 2022 Leo Altomar The mind has always been a cornerstone in ancient texts and is still studied today, where mental health concerns are on the rise.
Anti-Stress, Body, Health, Mind, New ConsciousnessCoping Strategies for Mental Health and Balance December 17, 2021 Kibby & Jacqueline Mental health is so important right now. In this article we share some fundamental coping strategies to help you feel more balanced and grounded.
Healing HotelsLonging for More: The New Era of Wellness Retreats September 18, 2020 Reena Sheth If this pandemic teaches us one thing, it is to take nothing for granted and to take good care of our body, mind and soul.
Mind, New Consciousness, Soul, SpiritualityHow to Tune Into Your Universal Intelligence August 18, 2020 Amy White Learning to tune into inspired moments and find the guidance within them can be an empowering way for you to move through the world with more ease.
Body, HealthHealth and Wellbeing While Pregnant May 22, 2020 Donna Maurer Here is what soon-to-be moms should know to enjoy a happy and healthy pregnancy and to prepare mentally and physically for birth.
Mind, MindfulnessWellbeing Through Gratitude December 12, 2019 Reena Sheth When we are grateful, we build on our mental strength and are better equipped to deal with challenging situations that life poses on us.
Mind, Mindfulness, New ConsciousnessThe Seven-Step Prescription to Self-Love September 9, 2019 Jessica Cover What is self-love and why is it so important? This article explores various components that help to achieve this most joyous state.
Ayurveda, Body, SleepBeating Insomnia with Ayurveda June 12, 2018 Dr. Chandan Ayurveda lays great emphasis on three specific values, which are considered as the main factors for well-being. They are sleep, food and good...
Body, SleepCan You Drink Coffee Before Bed? May 17, 2018 Kathy Gallo 2 comments This article explores the question of whether coffee should be drunken before bed.
Body, Graceful AgingHow To Keep Your Memory Sharp With Age May 15, 2018 Caitlin Evans This article describes what you can do to improve your memory even with rising age.
Design, Green Living, LifeThe Health Gains of Switching to LED Lights January 9, 2018 Jess Walter This article outlines the many benefits of LED lightning. Will you also switch to more environmentally-friendly lamps?
Body, Healing WaterHealing Water: the Source of Life November 23, 2017 Christelle Chopard This article explores the power of healing water.
Design, Holistic Lifestyle, LifeEmbracing Hygge: Keep Warm this Winter November 16, 2017 In this post, Hygge, a danish concept and increasing popular trend will be explained. Try to embrace hygge yourself this coming winter!
Holistic Lifestyle, LifeWriting for Wellbeing August 15, 2017 Francesca Baker Follow the tips of this article and you will experience how words and writing can influence your wellbeing in a positive way.