Mind, MindfulnessEnhancing Self-Compassion January 30, 2025 Dr. Thema Bryant Embrace the journey of self-compassion and forgiveness to heal your heart, honor your worth, and create a life filled with peace and self-acceptance.
Body, Health, Mind, MindfulnessMind-Body Connection: Unveiling the Hidden Dimensions of Psychosomatic Disorders September 24, 2024 Dr Narendra K Shetty When suffering from aches and pains, it is crucial to peek beyond the physical realm and also include psychological and spiritual aspects.
Mind, MindfulnessThree Ways to Increase Your Self-Awareness August 31, 2023 We have put together three easy ways to boost self-awareness to increase confidence, emotional and mental wellbeing and reduce stress.
Mind, Mindfulness, New ConsciousnessHow to Make Meaning by Managing Your Memories March 30, 2023 Gillian McMichael Managing your thoughts will help you to understand how you experience your life and how you can let go of unresolved issues and past experiences.
Mind, MindfulnessThe Mysterious Blessing of Zero February 9, 2023 Kelly Sullivan Walden Zero is a state of consciousness that is full and whole, a resting in the spiritual fullness that needs no embellishment. It is a sacred gift.
Mind, Mindfulness, New ConsciousnessFive Healthy Mental Health Habits December 20, 2022 Maintaining healthy habits can have a positive effect on you wellbeing. So, make sure to incorporate these 5 tips into your daily routine.
Body, Health, Mind, MindfulnessMens Sana in Corpore Sano – A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body September 23, 2022 Leo Altomar The mind has always been a cornerstone in ancient texts and is still studied today, where mental health concerns are on the rise.
Holistic Lifestyle, Life, Mind, MindfulnessTaking Your Power Back After a Traumatic Experience August 2, 2022 Mary Firestone Healing from trauma can be quite difficult. Mary Firestone shares her personal experience and shows us how to start our healing journey.
Meditation, Mind, MindfulnessThe Healing Power of the Breath July 18, 2022 Ewa Biging David Behrens will lead you through a short exercise to shift you away from conflict to achieve inner peace and calm.
Design, Life, Mind, MindfulnessDeclutter Your Mind by Decluttering Your Life April 21, 2022 Shannah Kennedy In a complex environment, your mind can feel cluttered and fatigued as we navigate the change in the world and the pace at which we operate.
Mind, Mindfulness3 External Factors That can Affect Your Mental Health April 7, 2022 Our emotional wellbeing is not only guided by internal factors. External circumstances can have a huge impact on our mental health as well.
Food, Mind, Mindfulness, NutritionA Journey of Healing, Nourishing Ourselves and Nurturing Our World March 25, 2022 Daniela Hunter The understanding of universal connection is key to reach a deeper understanding and meaning of this world, as this article beautifully explains.
Body, Fitness, Health, Mind, MindfulnessChi Kung: Ancient gymnastics for Body, Mind and Soul January 12, 2022 Karen Ojeda Chi Kung is a beautiful ancient practice that helps us to regain inner balance and to maintain a healthy lifestyle and a positive state of mind.
Mind, Mindfulness, Soul, SpiritualityGrounding – Remembering your Inner Light December 28, 2021 Amelia Vogler Feeling like the tide of your life is carrying you away from your inner light? Grounding is a wonderful practice to reconnect to your inner wisdom.
Mind, MindfulnessSynchronicity September 30, 2021 Deep As a poet and yogi, Deep has the wonderful ability to show us a different view of the world; a world filled with magic, mysteries and possibilities.
Mind, Mindfulness, Soul, SpiritualityHow to Become Confident in Your Intuitive Abilities August 27, 2021 Isabeau Maxwell An increased intuition is not only for the gifted or enlightened ones. We all have the ability to boost our intuitive skills. Here is how.
Green Living, Life, Mind, Mindfulness4 Ways to Practice Mindfulness with Plants August 9, 2021 House plants can not only improve your mood, calm the nerves and boost creativity, but taking care of them can also be a meditative experience.
Mind, Mindfulness, New ConsciousnessChange Your Mindset From Lack to Abundance February 8, 2021 Ana Lilia Attract more abundance in your life by shifting your mindset from thinking about lack, fear and scarcity to positivity and abundance.
Mind, Mindfulness, YogaFive Days of Gratitude: 5. Ether Element December 18, 2020 Christelle Chopard On the final day of our gratitude journey, we will bring forth a sense of love and connection by brining our attention to the element of ether.
Mind, Mindfulness, YogaFive Days of Gratitude: 4. Earth Element December 17, 2020 Christelle Chopard Today we will focus on the element of earth by showing gratitude towards all living beings and focusing on mother earth. What are you grateful for?