Meditation, MindGuided Gratitude Meditation November 6, 2023 Dr. Velleda Dobrowolny 1 comment Be guided by Velleda Dobrowolny to go deep within and feel the magic of gratitude and thankfulness in this time of harvest and nourishment.
Holistic Lifestyle, LifeHow to Develop a Happiness Toolkit March 23, 2023 Bethany Ainsley By having a closer look at to what creates happiness, you can create your own roadmap to healthier habits and enhanced wellbeing.
Mind, New ConsciousnessThree Joy Myths Dispelled February 1, 2022 Michelle Burke & Lilamani de Silva 1 comment Learn what it is that really sparks that precious feeling of joy again and how to appreciate those little “joy gems” that are all around us.
Holistic Lifestyle, LifeFive Ways to Save a Bad Day August 3, 2021 Janet Chui “Bad” days happen for all of us. But it’s important to take care of how we feel and find ways to work through it and come out on the other side.
Holistic Lifestyle, LifeGrow Your Gratitude: How To Start A Gratitude Journal February 26, 2021 Lauren Groff 1 comment Gratitude journaling can be so satisfying and beneficial for your mental wellbeing. We compiled some tips and ideas on how to get started.
Mind, Mindfulness, New ConsciousnessChange Your Mindset From Lack to Abundance February 8, 2021 Ana Lilia Attract more abundance in your life by shifting your mindset from thinking about lack, fear and scarcity to positivity and abundance.
Mind, Mindfulness, YogaFive Days of Gratitude: 5. Ether Element December 18, 2020 Christelle Chopard On the final day of our gratitude journey, we will bring forth a sense of love and connection by brining our attention to the element of ether.
Mind, Mindfulness, YogaFive Days of Gratitude: 4. Earth Element December 17, 2020 Christelle Chopard Today we will focus on the element of earth by showing gratitude towards all living beings and focusing on mother earth. What are you grateful for?
Mind, Mindfulness, YogaFive Days of Gratitude: 3. Water Element December 16, 2020 Christelle Chopard In a follow along ritual, you will learn how to infuse your water with gratitude to balance out the water element and foster emotional wellbeing.
Mind, Mindfulness, YogaFive Days of Gratitude: 2. Fire Element December 15, 2020 Christelle Chopard On the second day of our five day yoga journey, we will learn how to light our inner fire to inspire leadership, empathy and charisma.
Mind, Mindfulness, YogaFive Days of Gratitude: 1. Air Element December 14, 2020 Christelle Chopard We will start our gratitude week by deeply connecting to the air element. Certain breathing and journaling techniques will clear your mind and body.
Meditation, Mind, YogaA Special Gift During the Holidays: 5-Days of Gratitude December 9, 2020 Christelle Chopard As we are approaching the completion of the quite memorable year 2020, we would love to invite you to a 5-day gratitude yoga journey.
Mind, MindfulnessWellbeing Through Gratitude December 12, 2019 Reena Sheth When we are grateful, we build on our mental strength and are better equipped to deal with challenging situations that life poses on us.
Mind, MindfulnessSpreading the Healing Spark January 4, 2017 Uta Schlichenmaier Trying to deal with difficulties by focusing on the negative does not help to bring you anything positive. Learn here how to focus on bliss.
Body, SleepSleeping With Gratitude November 10, 2014 Vicki Morrison Every time you had a bad day, you go to bed with negative thoughts that disrupt your sleep. Try this trick to attract positive thoughts.