Me-Time, SoulBe Kind to Yourself June 12, 2023 Claudia Roth As we navigate through our lifes journey with its many ups and downs, it's important to be kind to ourselves and practice self-love.
Me-Time, SoulIdentity Shift April 25, 2023 Claudia Roth As you navigate a process of personal transformation, it is important to align yourself with your innermost being and true self.
Me-Time, SoulSeismic Shifts in Relationships March 8, 2023 Claudia Roth When life is changing, so may the people around you. This Me-Time reflection ponders the question of friendships and relationships.
Me-Time, SoulIn Silence. Just like this. February 14, 2023 Claudia Roth Silence is the pathway to inner freedom. But how can we achieve inner silence and calm our minds chatter to enable more balance in life?
Me-Time, SoulWhat is Joy? May 22, 2022 Claudia Roth Beautiful affirmations and a powerful meditation will guide you to find more joy in your heart in this weeks Me-Time reflection.
Me-Time, SoulWhen The Road Bends – An Inner Reflection on Self-Trust May 9, 2022 Claudia Roth In this weeks Me-Time reflection, we learn how to trust ourselves and finding inner guidance with powerful affirmations and a guided meditation.
Me-Time, SoulWhat is Presence? April 17, 2022 Claudia Roth This weeks Me-Time reflection is inspired by Eckhart Tolle's masterpiece 'The Power of Now' and explores the concept of presence.
Me-Time, SoulWhat is desire? April 3, 2022 Claudia Roth This week we want to talk about desire. How it influences us and especially our emotional wellbeing. We dare you to Imagine a life without desires.
Me-Time, SoulThe Light in Me is the Light in You March 20, 2022 Claudia Roth Let the drama of your ego stand aside and learn to shine your inner light - on yourself and others - to experience the magical power of connection.
Me-Time, SoulPeace For All March 6, 2022 Claudia Roth This post comes from the bottom of our hearts, as we stand with our brothers and sisters. A meditation for peace; a testament to humanity.
Me-Time, SoulWhat Mother Nature Wants to Tell You February 20, 2022 Claudia Roth A deep reflection on the beauty of transition and awakening - all inspired by our dear Mother Nature, as we move from winter to spring.
Me-Time, SoulDoes Happiness Hide in Simplicity? February 6, 2022 Claudia Roth We are conditioned to be busy, but with conscious resting and establishing an appreciation for stillness, we can allow ourselves to go deeper within.
Me-Time, SoulWhy You Don’t Want to Set New Year’s Resolutions Just Yet January 23, 2022 Claudia Roth Instead of forcing change, this reflection invites you to take a slightly different perspective on how to invoke a gentle form of transformation.
Me-Time, SoulNew Beginnings Through Affirmations January 7, 2022 Claudia Roth Focusing on a positive outlook is a wonderful start into a new year and affirmations are a powerful tool to do just that. Here is how.
Me-Time, SoulBecoming the Witness of Your Life December 12, 2021 Claudia Roth This excerpt from Claudia's popular Self-Love Journal encourages you to shift your focus to better understand your reactions and actions.
Me-Time, SoulYou and Your Body November 27, 2021 Claudia Roth Are you feeling tired and sluggish? Feel into your body for a deeper sense of self awareness with this gentle guided meditation. Connect to yourself!
Me-Time, SoulMe-Time Reflection on a New Reality November 14, 2021 Claudia Roth We are in the middle of an evolutionary shift and with this we have the chance to create a new reality for ourselves. Connect to your own truth now.
Me-Time, SoulLet Your Emotions Speak October 31, 2021 Claudia Roth This weeks self-reflection exercise will focus on emotions. Especially suppressed ones that keep bubbling up need to be acknowledged.
Me-Time, SoulPlaytime! October 17, 2021 Claudia Roth This weeks exercise is a playful one. We are conditioned to believe we are selfish when we follow our desires, but this is far from the truth.
Me-Time, SoulConscious Resting October 3, 2021 Claudia Roth In this very first Me-Time post, we will start our self-reflection journey light and easy, by turning our focus to deep relaxation & conscious rest.