What is desire?
© Elliotm
It is safe to say we all have desires. Casual conversations are often an unconscious exchange of desires. “If I only could do xxx; get this new job, buy this new home, car, go on holiday….” Our desires can be endless. When one desire is fulfilled, we chase the next one. It seems there is no end to it.
Imagine a life without desires.
For most people this is a depressing thought, right? Who wants to feel like they are inhabiting a grey and dull life? The moment we follow our desires we feel alive, we feel good about ourselves. Our mind is occupied and our ego is satisfied. We can make plans, get upset when things don’t work out, blame others and feel happy when things do work out. For most people this is a lifelong state of living in duality: joy or pain.
So, where do your desires come from? Most of our desires originate from the past. In my case I developed a strong desire to continuously be busy and work hard so that I could proof myself. I needed recognition and validation. I believed that this was a positive trait and that busyness and hard work would get me somewhere in life. It did but at a high price.
Following our desires is often a continuation of the past. If you want to be peaceful, calm and balanced – ultimately this is what we all seek – do observe your desires. Be honest with yourself. Firstly, name your desires and then reflect where do they come from? Check in with your childhood. It’s always a good place to start. Are your desires unconsciously holding you prisoner of your past? Here is a hint: desires are often unfulfilled emotional needs!
Dropping desires will release immense energy. Imagine what is possible by dropping your desires … maybe you don’t want to drop them all to start off with :)
From my heart to your heart,