Peace For All
© Anna Tarazevich
We share the below from the bottom of our hearts:
Dear God, all Empowering Energy
in shock we stand in front of you.
Our hearts are broken; our minds cannot comprehend and wholeheartedly reject the brutality we observe.
Our hearts suffer for the many people in war-torn Ukraine. Innocent you are. You are brothers and sisters. You stand in a place of fear and death, of losing your livelihood, your dreams and hopes.
Your brothers and sisters are coming together to stand in solidarity to pray for you in human unity.
May peace be in ALL our hearts.
Some background to the image: Darjeeling Trust is an initiative by co-author Sharan Patel of I AM EVERY WOMAN. It aims to support the health and education of many young children in Darjeeling for a much fuller life so that they can shine their light on everything they touch.
The children at their home in Darjeeling are allowed to watch TV for one hour every evening. One of the boys heard about the war in Ukraine. They did not know where Ukraine was. The assistant showed them on the map where Ukraine is. They watched the news for a few minutes and were led into a discussion and then guided to express their thoughts in writing or drawing.
May our children of the future live in harmony.
Meditate for Peace
Now it is time to live what we talk about. To not step into fear but rather to create a peaceful inner atmosphere; to not buy into hatred but to hold on to love; to not despair but to believe in the good. The world has changed: we now have new values, and we live them. This will be the greatest antidote to war. And of course, we will continue to do everything possible to make peace heard, seen and acted upon.
In this healing meditation from Velleda Dobrowolny, we will return to our heart and extend our inner peace to the world.
From my heart to your heart,