Declutter Your Mind by Decluttering Your Life
© Artem Podrez
In a complex environment, your mind can feel cluttered and fatigued as we navigate the change in the world and the pace at which we operate. For many people, this can result in a feeling of a stuck mind and stuck energy — an overcrowding feeling as we get through each day, which often feels like a marathon.
The state of my mind is incredibly important to me and working on my mental health is a job I take on daily. As I live with chronic fatigue syndrome and depression, having a decluttered mind and setting boundaries for myself is a skill I have had to master over the years to stay healthy, calm, confident, and loving life.
Looking at your outer environment will give you an indication of the state of your internal mind. For instance, we need to weed the garden bed, so the plant can thrive in the soil. And in a similar manner we need to work on keeping our outer world decluttered, so our minds have a chance to have perspective and feel space to breathe, as well as to be creative, confident, motivated, and inspired.
The skill of simplicity
Living a decluttered life is one the most valuable yet underrated skillsets of our time. In the fast-paced world, we must strive even harder to keep our outer worlds simple, so we can cope both mentally and internally, managing stress levels. So, decluttering your home, your drawers, your finances, your thoughts, your friendships, and having fewer possessions will allow you to feel a sense of clarity, energy, and freedom. Thus allowing your mind to feel less trapped and burdened.
Decluttering internally is about addressing your inner world. I have worked and mastered the art of breath, to find internal space, to calm the nervous system, to be able to think clearly in times of crisis, and to be equipped to move, navigate, and adapt to change quite easily.
The art of breath
The breath is our life force. It has a direct link from our minds to our nervous system. Many people forget the power of intentional breathing and how it is medicine for the soul to slow down and get out of the rushing syndrome so many are addicted to.
Breathing is how we can declutter our thoughts and sort through the overwhelm, anxiety, and then rationalize with ourselves. When we are in a stressed state, we tend to shorten our breath. Rather than owning a long intentional breath, so our nervous system gets used to operating on a high stress level, and we find our minds cannot even think straight.
So, do yourself a favor and spend some time decluttering your outer world. And focus on creating space internally for a fresh mind—one with clarity, purpose, direction, and inspiration. One that embraces the pace; one that feels open; and one that enjoys a beautiful, clean, and inspiring living space.
This is how we age gracefully, and it gives us permission to love who we are and our life. We take the reins of our one and true precious life. There is no joy in clutter.
Tips for decluttering and creating a simple living:
- Choose a day each month to clean out a room.
- Have a one-touch policy: don’t just move things, put them away.
- Give yourself some structure and deadlines. Work through one room at a time.
- If the tasks seem too overwhelming on your own, ask for help from your family and friends.
- Examine what is in each of the rooms and storage spaces. Does it still have meaning or a purpose?
- File, throw, or donate what you no longer need.
- Enhance each space and make it work for you. Is it simple and easy to manage?
- Make the space look great for you. Bring in nature, keep the things that make your heart sing, create as much natural light as possible, etc.
- Prepare for tomorrow today. Get organized the night before.
- Set reminders for yourself to stay on top of your routines.
- Use a well-structured journal or diary to track your daily commitments.
Regularly tending to the practice of maintaining a simple, organized, and minimal life will leave you with the space to be creative, spontaneous, and free. By making small changes in your routine to keep on top of it all, you will clear the drainers and allow opportunity to come in the door. The goal for simple living is to do more with our lives with the least amount of worry, as well as to do what is right for us in the easiest, most effortless way.