How to Find Peace of Mind and Happiness
© Om Singh
“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass; it’s about learning to dance in the rain.” ― Vivian Greene
Our daily lives can be overwhelming and busy, not to mention stressful and hectic. And it may seem all too much to handle, especially with the duties and responsibilities we have around. So what do we do? How do we unwind, find peace of mind and relax? Ayurveda retreats in India propagate the idea that to achieve something big, we need to incorporate small changes every day in our lives and that is exactly what we are going to talk about today.
Try and set limits
There are times when you feel overfilled and that’s okay. That is normal and it is time then for you to set some limits. Find out what you are doing; the least important things can be put on hold and you can then focus on the most important things for the moment. Set a limit for how many times you would check your email inbox, your SMS’s, your twitter and more. And if you really do not have the time, do not check, period. They are not that important to you as much as other things in life are. So, set limits.
Learn to lay trust in yourself
Life is good if you see it through a beautiful, positive perspective.
It all works out at the end of the day, and you have to relax first and also trust yourself. You should repeat this mantra every morning in your heart, and the truth is that eventually, it will all work out. Try to trust and have faith in yourself and do what you can to the best of your abilities. Have confidence in your skills and faith in your heart that all will work out in the end. You are not to be forsaken in life. Persistence, hard work, and love will eventually bear fruit. And you will ultimately achieve a discovery in life if you are truly on your path, and have faith in your abilities.
Find a way to relax
Belly breathing works, and it helps release tension and recharge the body. Meditation and yoga too can help in the long run in bringing inner peace of mind and happiness too.
Find out what works for you. It could be the above mentioned, or maybe taking your dog out on a walk in the park, maybe music to soothe the soul or even going for a swim. Each to his own here, and you have to find a technique that helps you relax, which is the way on how to find peace of mind and happiness.
Go easy on your expectations
There are turns in life that happen for a reason and for a good reason too.
We seldom receive from life what we exactly expect, isn’t it? Well, that is how it goes. What you seek rarely comes in the way you expect it to come. Rather you should also look behind the dark clouds for the silver lining because you are expecting gold. Accept and see everything as it is, instead of as you wished them to be or believed or assumed it to be. Only because it has not turned out the way you wanted it to be, it does not mean that it would not get you to the place you eventually want to go. So, don’t set your expectations too high, but don’t give up on life as well.
Don’t exaggerate things too much in your head
In short, do not make mountains out of molehills, because this adds unnecessary stress to your body and mind. Ask yourself affirmative questions when you face a herculean task. Questions such as: Will this matter to me in a few days? Does someone else have it worse than me at the moment? When you do ask yourself these questions, you are able to zoom out and realize that things are not as bad as they seem, and that you can easily tackle them along the way as well.
Use your goal to drive towards a positive route
It is only when darkness dawns that the stars can be seen, right? Look at the stars as hope. The smallest you can do is find out what desire is for. And the most utmost you can do is to dwell within that belief as you strive for what you desire in life. Get deeply involved in your thoughts and keep your intention as lively as possible.
Hope helps empower you along the way, no matter how bad your situation is. The road that is built on hope is better to ride on than the road that is not built on hope. Think about it. Life is all about harmony and balance, and about accepting reality without having to give up on what you need to reach your final destination. This brings a lot of peace of mind when you allow hope to empower your thoughts.
Let go of what you cannot control
You have got to make the most of what you can control in this situation and not worry about what you cannot.
There are times when you make plans for a lovely time and at the last minute something happens, and the plans are cancelled. What is your reaction then? You get upset and start complaining or get all negative. You feel that such things always happen to you and it’s not fair. But does that accomplish anything? What has happened has happened and it would not change, now will it? So you have to make the best of the situation right then and there. Listen to some soothing music and let your soul be calm and happy, or cook a good meal for yourself, open a bottle of wine and make merry, all by yourself.
Take out time for yourself
You have to give yourself time. Take your time to sort things out. No matter what your situation is right now, rushing yourself through it would not help. And don’t allow others to rush you through it as well. Moving on is not easy and it takes time. Take little steps to make things happen in your life so that you learn to move on. One step at a time, breath by breath, you should move on from the past. The past should not make you feel that you have a horrible life right now, say experts at Ayurveda retreats in India.
What others are thinking should not bother you
People have opinions and they have a mouth. They speak a lot and sometimes it can bother or affect us. You do not have to worry about these talks. Disregard them and move on in your life. Do what makes you happy, as long as you are not harming yourself or anyone in the long run, it shouldn’t matter to the world what you do or say.
The more you are bothered about what people have to think about you, the more you stress yourself and clog your mind. So if you want to sing and dance like no one’s watching in a public place, do it as long as you get the joy out of it. You never know how popular you become in doing what you love best without bothering about what others have to say about you.
Use Yoga and Meditation to bring peace of mind
If you want to walk on the path toward inner stillness, you should start with asanas. Asanas help reconnect the body and helps bring down the immense verbal chatter in the mind. It also helps assign the physical and mental being into one route, giving you subtle feedback and information.
Meditation and yoga postures will help bring down the intensity of mental distractions in the long run. A subtle shift in the mind is created through postures, and they replace noisy thinking with relatively silent work or strengthening the body, stretching it, aligning it and integrating it too. So practice meditation and yoga daily or join one of the yoga retreats in India (The birthplace of yoga) to bring inner peace of mind and happiness.
In a nutshell…
You have got to take time out for yourself and relax. Maybe go on a vacation or yoga retreats of some kind. This will help you recharge your batteries and you would come back refreshed. Think about it!