Vera Kaur
Indian Holistic Practitioner
Vera Kaur is from Sikh Indian origin. She grew up with holistic therapies and lived in the ashrams of India, where she observed the practices carried out by the traditional energy healers.
Vera would like us all to be empowered with this ancient wisdom, to take responsibility for our own health and well-being. Through her dreams and meditations she was guided to write her book, ‘Diagnose, Treat, and Cure All Dis-ease with Traditional Indian Holistic Therapies’.
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Articles by Vera Kaur:
» Ancient Indian Wisdom to Heal the HeartLeave A Comment Cancel reply
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Comments 1
Dec 29, 2018I went to India last year and I’ll be going again this coMing year. i used healing touch energy medicine in an eye surgEry caMp with lovely results for all including medical doctors.
I plan to stay At the interNational center of anandamoye Ma’s
In haridwar next time. Might you have any suggestion about
What energy medicine group i might participate in that area?