6 Signs of Food Allergy Which You Should Know
© Ali Inay
Food allergies can occur in people of different ages. You can even become allergic to products which you have eaten for years without any problems. Science hasn’t yet figured out why food allergies occur. The immune system at some point goes crazy and begins to attack the consumed food, considering it deadly.
The insidiousness of food allergies lies in the fact that it’s unpredictable since it can occur at any time and often manifests itself in different ways.
Food Allergies can affect the skin, mucous membranes, digestive and systems, and even the heart. Moreover, the first allergic reaction to the product may differ from the second, and the second reaction may differ from the third. The body tries different ways to deal with the “enemy product” and this is confusing.
Pay attention to several symptoms of food allergies as described bellow. If you notice the connection between them and the consumption of certain foods, you may have a food allergy.
1. Itchy skin
Itchy skin can occur for many reasons including synthetic clothes, diabetes, and even liver diseases. But itchy skin spots on the hands, legs joints, and around the lips can be a sign of the immune response to certain foods.
2. Fatigue and low heart rate
Food allergens can lower blood pressure which you can conclude if you experience fatigue and low heart rate. Pay attention to these signs when eating in order to notice a food allergy in time and avoid unpleasant consequences.
3. Itchy mouth or a slight dry cough after meals
Food allergy can sometimes trigger itchy mouth or scratchy throat symptoms. Most commonly, this occurs when eating fruits and vegetables. In most cases, an allergic cough passes a few minutes after eating the food allergen, therefore, people don’t pay enough attention to this symptom.
4. Difficulty swallowing
Difficulty swallowing can be a manifestation of eosinophilic esophagitis. This is a condition in which the immune system responds to a potential danger with a big amount of white blood cells. This causes inflammatory reaction, swelling, and irritation of the esophagus.
5. Frequent bowel movements after meals
Frequent bowel movements can be caused by food poisoning or intolerance to certain foods, for example, dairy products that contain lactose. But if bowel movements occur right after a meal and become regular, then it’s time to visit a a primary care physician.
6. Itchy skin during exercise
Itchy skin caused by physical activity is quite a strange phenomenon but also a common manifestation of food allergies.
The immune system, even after detecting an allergen product in the stomach, remains calm. But as soon as the body temperature rises, an allergic reaction begins, which results in itching, coughing, watery eyes, dizziness, etc. If these symptoms appear during training, try to remember what you ate before going to the gym.
Final thoughts
Try to exclude foods that seem dangerous to you. If this relieves you of unusual symptoms, most likely you have discovered your personal allergens. Visit a doctor, he/she will select the proper treatment and tell you what to do to minimize the risk of allergic reactions.
If you can’t recognize allergen products and you’re not sure if you have a food allergy, you still need to visit the doctor. Tell your doctor about your symptoms. Most likely, they will prescribe several tests to exclude other possible diseases.