Live the Life You Not Only Want, but the Life You Deserve
© David Gavi
Why is it that people stop going after their dreams when they hit midlife?
We’ve heard the expression midlife crisis, but I like to think of it as midlife awakening! When we hit the age of 50, we have lived 25 years as an adult, so we have come to know a lot about who we are, what we’ve accomplished, and what makes our good and bad decisions. Why not put all of that to work to propel you in a new direction?
The wisdom of our lives up to that point can be the fuel that lets us ROAR into the second half of our life, pursuing dreams that we have put on hold—whether that be in work, love, or a new lifestyle choice. This might be the moment to pivot to a new profession, leave a relationship that is no longer working, or pick up and move to another part of the country or world.
What are you waiting for?
The clock is ticking away. There are thousands of individuals among us who I call “The Reimagineers,” people who have successfully pivoted into a life that they not only want but one that they deserve. To start this pivot, you need to move on from the past. What’s done is done. Think of today as the beginning of your “You Turn” as you start that process.
Banish words like age appropriate and identify what works for you as person appropriate.
You may decide to become a parent at 50, go back to school at 60, or fall in love at 70! The choice is yours and only you can set yourself on a course that allows you to flourish in the life that you want to live.
4 Simple Steps
In the book ROAR into the Second Half of Your Life (Before It’s Too Late), I’ve created a 4-step approach that allows you to find your new path and live the life you deserve.
R stands for Reimagining Yourself, especially before others do it for you. You may be pushed out of a job or a partner may leave you. Get ahead of that. Always be thinking of your favorite future and what that entails.
O is for Own Who You Are and that includes where you came from, your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and failures. But it also means getting a handle on your health and wealth numbers, as well as specific goals of what you want to accomplish.
A is Acting on What’s Next for you. How do you act courageous and don’t look back? Start the dynamic process of “life layering,” a formula that will lead you to a rich and fulfilling life.
R stands for the Reassessment of all of Your Relationships, starting with yourself. Are you being brutally honest with your current situation and your dreams for what you really want? The people around you from family, friends, and colleagues are the ones who will enable you to move it all forward.
A lifelong philosophy
There are so many stories of people who have found their way to the life that they deserve, and the book ROAR offers tools, tips, and resources to help you begin.
The reimagining process is one that should be your lifelong philosophy. If you are 50 and healthy, you very well may live to be 90. That means multiple careers, loves, and lifestyles may be in your future. Keep tabs on what is in your heart and soul with regards to what you want each remaining year of your time on Earth.
By embracing the ROAR manifesto, you open yourself up to all of the possibilities that are before you. It will bring you fulfillment, satisfaction, and joy.
Today is the day to start. Ready. Set. Go. Let’s ROAR!