Beauty, Body, DetoxDigital Detox July 8, 2019 Reena Sheth The flip side of digitalization poses many risks including mental imbalances, depression, loneliness and more. Learn how to digitally detox.
Body, DetoxOffline is the new Luxury: Digital Detox March 27, 2018 Prof. Dr. Anabel Ternès This article explains how important digital detoxing is nowadays.
Holistic Lifestyle, Life, Mind, New ConsciousnessUnder The Bondage of The Smartphone July 25, 2016 Nils Behrens Look up from your phone screen. This is reality you are seeing now. Can you embrace it or are you already addicted?
Holistic Lifestyle, Life, Mind, Mindfulness9 Benefits of Socializing September 25, 2015 Alex Brain 15 comments Put your phone and social media away and focus on what is really important: relationships. This article will explain why.
Anti-Stress, BodyDigital Detox: Unplug and Let Go September 14, 2015 John Stamoulos Time to ditch the electronics, take some time off and focus on yourself. Learn some tips and tricks on digital detoxing.