Mind, Yoga5 Essential Postures in Hatha Yoga January 26, 2022 Karen Ojeda The main asanas of Hatha Yoga are designed to help you reach your maximum potential and to allow for a deeper spiritual practices such as meditation.
Mind, Mindfulness, Soul, SpiritualityGrounding – Remembering your Inner Light December 28, 2021 Amelia Vogler Feeling like the tide of your life is carrying you away from your inner light? Grounding is a wonderful practice to reconnect to your inner wisdom.
Mind, YogaYoga for Resilience June 3, 2021 Christelle Chopard In this article you will find a combination of breathing techniques, mudras and a series of 6 asanas that will help you boost resilience.
Food for Your SoulResilience: Daring to be Vulnerable August 26, 2020 Claudia Roth Often seen as something negative, vulnerability is actually something very beautiful and powerful, as we need to be vulnerable to allow for true...