DIY Wormwood Potion
© wormwood
“The master potion against all forms of exhaustion,”
wrote the Benedictine abbess Hildegard von Bingen.
A wormwood potion made from wine, honey and the fresh juice of wormwood is one of the most proven elixirs to reactivate the life forces. It is the best way to sustainably support the body in its own detoxification and purification processes and to build up and strengthen the defences of the entire organism.
Recipe for Wormwood Potion
40 ml wormwood juice (wormwood leaves)
1 l white or red wine
150 g honey
Cut the wormwood leaves in small pieces and put them in a squeezer until you get 40 ml of juice. Then boil the wine with the honey for a short time, add the juice, strain it immediately and fill it into sterile bottles. For one full cure you will need 3 liters of wine, 450 g of honey and 120 ml of wormwood juice.
On an empty stomach, the potion supports the body’s own detoxification and purification and builds up the defense mechanisms. For a cure I recommend a liqueur glass (20ml) every 3rd day before breakfast.