Earth Offerings: The Power of Earthy Beauty
© Jordan Sanchez
I walk by the water, sit in silence as close as possible to the edges. After deep nourishing breaths, I whispers my heart, and slowly start to place my flowers and natural elements…
What would that feel like if your daily practice was showing gratitude with a simple act of recognizing what you have and what you feel? As an invitation to come into balance with nature, our planet by harnessing the power of beauty and rituals.
The art of earth offerings & blessings.
Earth rituals are sacred practices that connect you with earth and nature. We make earth offerings in order to align with the universe, as the first communication always has been by signs. By doing that we speak the same language as the universe. Essential to the harmony with the land where we live, to the harmony within ourself and with others. Naturally this way we nourish the elements within us.
The art of making offerings to the elements, the water, the earth or to the sky are ancients practices performed by traditional cultures like the Mayas, the Celts, the Balinese and many other populations who are wisdom keepers of the earth.
You can use flowers, plants and earth materials as well candles, incense, fire, food or even sounds. You infuse it with your intentions, prayers and questions, with all your love and gratitude. With these blessings you line up with the invisible.
Earth Offerings are a path to cultivate peace and gratitude and to manifest small miracles. Simple and easy to do in your daily life, it’s like inviting more earthy beauty and grace in your habits.
Benefits of doing earth offerings:
Walk in beauty
It is a way to cultivate beauty in your life. As you collect the elements to offer, you develop your attention to your surroundings; to the beauty around you that you may not have noticed yet. You develop your creativity and imagination. You play by using all your senses. It is an embodied sensory practice, which explores the beauty from the earth. This beauty is an healing tool in your routine, it uplifts and nourishes your emotions. Offerings cultivate the spirit of wonder.
Practice gratitude
An offering made in form of an earth ritual is an act of love and reverence for the life we have.
To give thanks to mother nature and to the planet which nourishes and protects us. To be grateful for the home that welcomed our ancestors and will welcome future generations. The power to have an humble appreciation for what we receive, for the abundance of our lives. A way to bless the present.
Cultivate your presence
An offering is a mindfulness practice. You are in the moment, present. This is simply because you have to stop all your activities to do your offerings. Such a ritual sets up a rhythm in your day and elevates your energy. Your monkey mind cannot fool around; you are closer to your heart and you feel all your feelings. Earth rituals help us to be more present, to be in the flow of life, to be aligned with the universe. It affects the way we relate to our surrounding: the people and life situations. Like all forms of meditation, an offering has a calming and centering effect.
Honor the connection
The moment you do an offering, time stops. It is an intimate conversation with the universe, a space for prayers. It’s an ritual that helps you to find clarity, answers and directions. By creating such a space regularly, you strengthen your connection with your higher self, with the subtle world.
This blessing reenforces the connection one can have with nature and earth. Thus we get clarity and insights by being fully connected with our soul and the invisible.
Practice of letting go & trust
Offerings could be considered as an ephemeral art form. It is playing with your capacity of letting go and your relation to attachment. After having created your offering, you have to trust that it will carry your deepest intentions and questions.
How could it be more beautiful than that!