A Journey Around the Moon
© Benjamin Voros
We all look at the moon sometimes, whether it is a conscious observation or just a glimpse at the sky, and with its healing power the moon brings a flair of light and an inspiration that shines through the darkness of night.
The 28 days cycles are in alignment with the female cycle, which in turn is a reflection of the source of creation. In this article About the Moon I shared with you some tips on how to recognize and use the energy of the different moon cycles (waning, new moon, waxing, and full moon) for your wellbeing and balance.
A moon cycle represents the time needed for a creative process. Indeed, it takes 28 days to train a new habit. When we repeat an affirmation daily or a new way to focus our attention, it becomes more familiar with time.
A Reflection on the Moon
Dear Moon,
I see you shining in the sky,
Reflecting the sunlight,
Brining clarity on our paths.I can walk with confidence,
Following your guidance,
Even in the midst of the night.You change daily,
And still keep a routine,
As you move in cycles.Life is a constant evolution,
We release,
We create,
We grow,
We shine,
We surrender…
The Program
The journey around the moon is a journey into different dimensions and frequencies and includes daily 15-20min meditations and online guidance through a 28-day journey. The teachings are based on the 5 elements of nature: earth, water, fire, air, ether and how they can support your wellbeing and the programming of new habits.
Discover the secrets and the integration of ancestral wisdom, of the lunar cycles, as well as the power of meditation, and the application of quantum physics with daily exercises and experiences.
We take off for a Journey Around the Moon three days before the New Moon. It can be the month of your birthday, the month of a transition of season, or anytime that is convenient for you. These 3 days before a rebirth (new moon) offer the space to clarify our intention and objective for this process of transformation.
With 15-20minutes daily teachings and meditations, you learn to focus on specific themes in alignment with the different moon cycles. You will also receive clear tips to develop a healthy routine for detox, stress release and vitality.
When change comes from within, it affects also our environment and can open unexpected doors along our path.
When I was still traveling around the world, leading seminars on different continents, the Moon, the Sun and the Earth reminded me that we are all connected. We are all touching the same Earth, and seeing the same Moon and Sun.
Sometimes people are traveling far away to seek their path. However, as long as we are on our own two feet, we are on our own path. Maybe it is our mindset or our lifestyle that doesn’t respond to our own true nature.
The moon is invisible to us when the sun is not reflecting on it. So many aspects of ourselves are hidden. When we ignite the light and strengthen a new habit, we unveil new potential and bring light to hidden areas deep within.
Moon Cycles
The moon cycles offer four phases to ignite our creativity and to develop resilience. A Journey Around the Moon strengthens the muscle of wellbeing and develops resilience through the different cycles. Each day introduces you to a specific meditation and teaching aligned with the moon cycle and the energy of the day.
New Moon
During the new moon, we focus on the new beginnings to initiate new steps along our journey. The earth element is related to the sense of touch. Ont he day of the new moon you receive guidance to create your mandala and vision board reflecting your intention.
- When creating your mandala, let your creative juices flow and try drawing, coloring, painting, or also utilizing leaves, seeds or flowers.
Waxing Moon
During the waxing moon, we nurture our relationships and our creativity. We develop the sense of taste, in liaison with the water element.
- One of the meditations during this moon cycle is the Garuda Mudra as it supports courage and harmony. You will join both hands at the level of your solar plexus and take 5 deep and fast breaths. Then, you place your hands with the Garuda Mudra on your heart and take 10 slow, deep breaths. This exercise is repeated 5 times to enhance courage and to bring harmony.
Full Moon
During the full moon cycle, we celebrate and appreciate who we are and what we are awakening. We do this by practicing yoga, enjoying a cacao ceremony and magnetizing our crystals.
- The cacao ceremony is a way to reconnect with the essence of the cacao and to its healing properties (vitamin C, magnesium, flavonoids and more).
Waning Moon
The waning moon offers the time to breathe and release. We explore the sense of smell that is directly linked to the air element. It is a time to value what resonates with us and to release anything that may inhibit our light to shine.
- During the waning moon, there is a purification and activation of your chakras and vortex. This meditation is done with 7 fast breaths, followed by a profound breath to expand and clarify the chakra. Then, we visualize the chakra at its own size again, bright and protected. We do these exercises for each chakra: root, hara, plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown.
Activate Your Vortex
This journey purifies and activates our Vortex. There are fferent definitions of Vortex, however, in this concept we consider a vortex being a field of energy radiating and whirling a specific frequency; a frequency of wellbeing, love, or creative inspiration
When we balance our mind, body, and relations with this frequency, we begin to attract circumstances aligned with this frequency. The concept is related to quantum physic and the alignment in different fields of energy.
A vortex can also be a special spot on the earth where the energy is either entering into the earth or projecting out of the earth’s plane. We find Vortexes at sacred sites around the world like the Great Pyramids in Egypt, Machu Picchu in Peru, Diesse in Switzerland, Ayers Rock in Australia, and more.
During the Journey Around the Moon, we enhance the frequency of our Vortex to elevate our energy levels and to nurture healthy relationships with our loved ones and our environment.
I invite you to take a moment for a walk tonight and to look at the moon. Place your hands on your heart and take five deep breaths in appreciation. We are all looking at the same moon focusing on positive intentions to generate a vortex of love and kindness around the earth.
Avec bienveillance et appreciation,
Christelle Chopard