What is This Pandemic Teaching You?
© Thought Catalog
I would love to tell you that I am not going to use the word “unprecedented”, nor the c-word, but I will. You all already know what’s happening out there. Connected to those words, though, I’d like to talk about not how to protect yourself externally, but to ask: are you aware of what is happening within yourself?
Post Corona Dreaming
You are most likely in self-isolation or family-selves-isolation. And like me, with constant news about the Coronavirus and the unprecedented developments that it has triggered, putting lives, dreams and hopes on pause for weeks, months or forever… perhaps you too figure that life post-Coronavirus will be different. If you are also trying to get your head around the “new normal”, you too might have the feeling that this is a historic time, one which deserves respect and humility, hoping for the unfolding of a better world. To embody this, it will be important to try to look at the bigger picture, rather than getting trapped in fear and worry.
In almost no time, the world has changed beyond recognition. Rapidly and without much prior warning, we all continue to have to learn to adapt to something we can’t yet really imagine. And so, we are getting used to accepting that we don’t know what is to come. Or we’ll go mad, most likely. But the truth is that the future has always been unknown. Perhaps, if we hadn’t understood it yet, we can learn this from what has so swiftly swept down on us, much like an eagle in search of its prey. What else, I wonder, is this pandemic teaching us?
To resist less and to appreciate what we have.
I have come to see that life is much more joyful – or at least, in the current context, easier to handle – when one is not resisting. Anything. Not even the Coronavirus. When there is so much to question and fear, it’s even more of a relief to accept what is. The aim now is to flow along with the waves that come and go, rather than making ambitious plans and getting stressed in the process. We are called to surrender, especially to not feel that we are under unbearable stress. Through the eyes of our mind this is a skill which most people have not developed. Our natural and conditioned way of being is to do and strive for more. This is what the pandemic is saying STOP to.
Universally, we are being forced to stop and learn to be grateful with what we have.
To react less.
Having already changed so much before these turbulent times, still, my life has changed further as a result of the Coronavirus outbreak. Not only do I keep getting flashbacks from sitting on a plane out of Spain wearing rubber gloves, a scarf around my head and a face mask that kept slipping off, but since then, the Dr. Joe Dispenza event I was planning to attend in Spain got cancelled. Ironically, Dr. Joe’s “Becoming Supranatural” (also the title of one of his books) was put on hold. Big deal… not compared to the virus itself.
I don’t react but trust that this is not a big miss as Mother Nature shows us a new path, hopefully towards a better world.
To know that when something ends, something new begins.
Throughout my life, I have experienced that when something ends, something new also begins. Often, though, this process is accompanied by feelings of pain and suffering. That is what makes us resist change, most often. However, not only do the Buddha’s four noble truths relate completely to suffering (for more detail see HERE), but suffering can certainly push us to reprioritize our lives.
In my case, my busyness seems to be transforming rather than cease. Also sitting in my garden, I do sometimes reach out for my laptop. As I work to device a new online workshop, my thoughts are firmly focused on how I can be of service to humanity during these defining times. To me, it’s all about diving deeper into ourselves, right now. And as many other activities have slowed or come to a full stop, I am curious to explore what new opportunities might be opening up for me to continue to spread messages that can help raise all of our vibrations – to lift us out of suffering. In all this, accepting any emotions of fear or grief and fully feeling the loss of contact with friends, family or colleagues, will be important. Right now, take a moment to stop, breathe, feel, accept and release.
Accepting all facets of ourselves, fully and completely – neither denying nor ‘glossing over’ – is hugely empowering, although it can feel scary and debilitating.
(Inspired by ‘A 28 Days Journey to Self Love’)
To slow Down.
Perhaps as a result of the Coronavirus, people leading a slow and simple life will no longer be sneered at. If already set up to be reasonably self-sufficient, in addition, the Coronavirus drama might have almost passed them by. At the least they may be able to more easily surf the waves also of more drastic upheavals. And as more people are now forced to slow down, an overall societal slowdown might be a reality of the post-Coronavirus reality. This “limited” life may open up new space – within and without.
Stillness is the Source of Creation.
It’s a surreal feeling, to have this invisible “it” invades one’s life. I can’t feel it, or touch it, but it affects all, no matter whether royal or homeless. In the eyes of the invisible we are all equal. But we can also see that it might be a multitude of emotions, rather than the virus, that gets us. In Spain, I witnessed the rapid developments firsthand. Within 48 hours, it seemed, life was turned on its head. And this is where I feel that I can offer some support.
At this time of a global retreat, here is what I do:
Online Quantum Group Meditations:
Just like many others, I am confined to my home. This makes for an important time to still be together. Each Thursday many of us meet in the Quantum Field for a meditation that serves as a reminder to reconnect with the essence of who we are. The more we can be centered the better we can remain still in the eye of the storm. Each week, we focus on a specific topic and meditate online as individuals and yet as a group. The collective group energy creates a field of harmony and belongingness.
Self Love Guided Journal:
My newly published book ‘A 28 Days Journey to Self Love’ is finding homes around the world. I receive photos with people receiving their copies and it touches my heart.
I know that this journal is a reminder that a daily few minutes can make all the difference, especially now. This crisis gives us all an opportunity to connect, through self-reflection, with our inner selves.
In turn, this provides balance in the midst of the Coronavirus-turmoil. The anchor in the storm is YOU.
Quantum Energy Coaching:
There is a difference between fear and panic, but these days the line may be thinning. In my work we get to the root of any unconscious fears. The healing happens on such a deep level that it can most certainly support you and help you manage during these turbulent times.
Regular Zoom Events:
Connecting with people who speak the same language – the language of the heart – is essential for our progress to a new awareness. I invite you to join my regular FREE events including a new upcoming Healing Circle (see HERE and HERE for more details and dates). As I write this article, I am getting ready for an online Shamanic Healing Journey led by my teacher & Shaman! Who would have thought this is possible only a few weeks ago?
Food for Thought
I hope that you will find something of interest in the above offering or that this article provided you with some food for thought. Do join this fluid soulful community and find inspiration to serve humanity with your own unique gifts. We are all carriers; so find the courage to “Just do it” – to humbly serve for the good of all.
“We may be entering an era where things that once seemed impossible
become almost impossible to avoid.”
Which current shifts are here to stay? What changes will be deemed unnecessary to reverse? Only time will tell. But I tell you right here, right now, that I am glad to connect with you here.
Stay healthy & Be Love!
Much love,
P.S. 1: What is happening right now, is that it all seems to be so out of my control. It’s relatively easy to remain as the observer. Call it the silver lining…
P.S. 2: To receive bi-monthly Soul Snippets to your inbox or join the soulful community send a message HERE.
More about Claudia Roth
I believe in the connection of body-mind-spirit. This makes up the foundation for healing, as I have myself experienced. Post a corporate high-profile career my mission is to help those who want to live a more connected and soulful life.
Convinced that embracing the fullest and truest version of myself is the only healthy way to live, I practice Quantum Energy Coaching. In addition, I write, speak and consult and have just published my first journal. “A 28 Days Guided Journal to Self Love” is available on Amazon.