Meditation, Mind, YogaYoga? Okay. But Why? June 27, 2016 Dr. Nilesh Deshmukh If you want to truly understand Yoga and experience its healing powers, you may want to take a more individualized approach.
Meditation, MindTaking a Mindful Meditation Class February 23, 2016 Scott Draper Read about the experience of a man taking part in a mindful meditation class.
Meditation, MindMeditating is Living October 1, 2015 Sujay Seshadri Learn how the act of meditation can make you feel alive and enchanted again.
Meditation, MindHow to Meditate – 7 Simple Tips for Everyone November 25, 2014 Lahra Tatriele If you want to start meditating and just don't know how, here are seven simple tips that will help you to start your practice.
Meditation, MindIntro to Meditation February 4, 2014 Sally Kempton This introduction will give you an idea what meditation is about and some advice on how to start your practice.
Meditation, MindWake up…it’s time for meditation January 15, 2014 Anne Biging This is a personal experience. Find out what meditation did for the author and can do for you.