Transform Your Home Into a Stress-Free Sanctuary
© Liana Mika
Modern lifestyle can be hectic at times. Our busy schedules, endless tasks, and stressful deadlines can sometimes get the best of us. As a result, we’re left feeling drained and worn-out, both physically and emotionally. It is in these times that having that happy place to escape to can prove to be useful in coping with negative feelings.
Since our home should be that one place where we can relax, unwind, and chase away worries and anxiety, it pays to learn how you can create a living space that acts as a stress-free sanctuary and your personal refuge from the harsh world. With that in mind, we’re listing five decorating tips and ideas to help make that happen.
Create a blank slate with neutrals
While vivid colors and patterned wallpapers and patterns can be fun, they can over-stimulate you visually. It’s best to opt for colors that are easy on the eye and have a calming effect on the mind. Neutrals have proven time and time again to be the best choice for creating a serene sanctuary. This is why they are often used in facilities that promote wellbeing and inspire tranquility. As for the options, you can choose anything from light grays and beiges to classic whites and earthy browns. For those living in a small apartment, using brighter neutrals is recommended as they can make smaller spaces appear bigger. This is especially true, if you use lighter colors for moldings and wall trims.
Use plants to breathe life and color into your sanctuary
Reconnecting with nature has to be one of the best ways to relieve stress and lift your spirits. Something as simple as surrounding yourself with a couple of plants can be a wonderful way to ward off negative feelings and create a soothing vibe in your home. But the benefits of plants go beyond adding color and breathing life into our homes (literally, as they act as natural air purifiers and release oxygen).
Adding a touch of greenery to your interiors can also facilitate creativity and evoke motivation. This can prove to be quite useful now that many of us are working from home due to the pandemic and may find it challenging to stay productive when tackling tasks from a home office. Add as many plants as you can, bringing splashes of green into every corner of your personal oasis.
Incorporate cozy textiles for a softer look
Creating a soothing, stress-free environment is also a matter of appealing to the sense of touch. Cozy textiles are the perfect decorating tool for making a home more comfortable and welcoming. Something as simple as introducing floor coverings can completely transform the feel of a space, and any one of the vast selection of modern rugs from NZ could be a great addition to your soothing living environment, making it infinitely cozier and comfier. Drapes, throw pillows, and blankets can also be used to soften the look and create a relaxing feel. The best part? They’re quite inexpensive. This means you can swap them out with seasons or whenever you feel like it – quickly and easily.
Rely on scents to create a soothing sanctuary
It’s no secret that scents play an important role when it comes to our mood and sense of well-being. For centuries, natural oils and fragrances have been employed as medicines in aromatherapy, relying on calming properties of natural plant extracts to heal body, mind, and soul. Therefore, scents from natural aromatherapy candles and essential oils are often used to reduce anxiety and relieve stress. Both of them are responsible for a weakened immune system and blood sugar spikes which are some of the hidden things that may affect your weight, mood, and sleep. Fortunately, something as simple as scenting the air could be a quick route to relaxation, especially if you use lavender, jasmine, vanilla, or citrus scents.
Declutter and simplify your bedroom decor
The bedroom is where we spend most of our time at home. So it makes sense that we’d put some extra effort in making it more relaxing. Start by decluttering the room to create an airy feel, and then add meaningful decor pieces. Like the Japanese organizing consultant, Marie Kondo, suggests, ask yourself “Does it spark joy?” when deciding whether to keep the item. Try to keep your decor simple and minimalist. If you need some inspiration, you can use Japanese themed bedrooms as an example for simplifying your approach to decorating. They’re known to be on the minimalist side, and a couple of Zen accessories can go a long way in making your home a stress-free sanctuary.
Wrapping up
Designing a home that oozes Zen-like tranquility is a matter of combining colors, textiles, scents, and decor pieces to appeal to each of our senses. It’s about being mindful and consciously inviting peacefulness into your home and your everyday life. Stick with the tips above, and you’ll create a soothing environment that will promote a more relaxed, serene lifestyle.