Ideas for Creating Meaningful Family Moments to Last a Lifetime
© Liam Anderson
During the last few months, the world has bore witness to more family reunions than probably ever before. As the pandemic draws to a close, relatives are crossing both borders and oceans to reunite with their loved ones. However, as an abundance of families comes together again, the question becomes how to create novel and unforgettable family moments.
This article takes a closer look at some ideas to bring more creativity into your life and make every moment with both your immediate and extended family go down in the history books. While not every suggestion on this list may be applicable to your family situation, we’ve made sure to include something for everyone.
A family garden – nurturing nature and family bonds
The first suggestion on the list will keep your family close to home – planting a family garden. This is an activity suited for families of all shapes and sizes. However, before getting your hands dirty, it’s crucial to get your youngest family members on board and excited about the project. Ask their opinion on the kind of flowers and vegetables that should be planted in the garden and drive down to the flower shop to pick them out as a family. Being aware and involved in every step of the process will make the children that much more eager to participate. Of course, before placing the first seeds into the ground, make sure to designate a space for each vegetable.
Even when you’ve planted all the seeds, the job still won’t be finished. All living things deserve continuous tender love and care and plants are no different. Encourage each family member to take their turn watering the garden. This practice will help your family gain a new appreciation for the natural world. In the end, the family garden will be a project that unites your family for years on end.
A family photoshoot – capturing the moment
Photographs have this uncanny ability to capture all the greatest moments in our lives. Every important snippet from the moment we’re born stays frozen in time through photography. Thus, when families reunite, there’s nothing better than capturing that moment on film. While technology has advanced enough to give us timers and selfies, some moments simply require a professional photograph. Experts for family photography have all the best-kept secrets in their pocket – from the ideal picturesque landscape to the perfect angle for just about every individual.
While scheduling a family photoshoot may seem stressful at first, this day could also be an adventure for your family. Just like with gardening, it’s important to involve each family member regardless of their age. One option is letting the children choose their own wardrobe, while another would be allowing them to pose their hearts out in front of the camera. The bottom line is that the photoshoot is supposed to be fun for your family – a couple of decades down the road, those photographs should still bring a smile to everyone’s face.
A family vacation – creating memories
When most people hear the phrase ‘family vacation’, their mind often bolts straight to the bottom line. In all fairness, lavish family vacations can eat through monthly or even yearly savings fairly quickly. However, not every trip with your family needs to be to an exotic destination. If the main goal is to spend time together and reconnect, even a weekend in the woods or at the lake will do the trick.
However, before packing up the car, consider which family members you’ll be bringing along for the ride. If the kids are coming on vacation, then your family getaway also needs to be family-friendly. Scout out the activities that a place has to offer before settling on the trip. One of the greatest parts of family vacations is going off the grid and reconnecting with your loved ones – if there’s an abundance of fun-filled adventures, your family will be more willing to leave their technology aside and enjoy the moment.
A family meal – cooking your way to their heart
There’s something inexplicably special about family meals, those moments when everyone comes together and reconnects. From grand meals over the Christmas holiday to mundane evenings with TV dinners – they have a unique way of bringing us together. Thus, family meals are the perfect activity for creating unforgettable memories.
Of course, each step of the process should be a team effort, from deciding on what to cook to the actual meal prep. Even the youngest members should get involved. They don’t have to cut or stir, but someone has to lick the bowl in the end! In short, there should be a place for everyone to feel needed and appreciated, just like at the dinner table!