Inspirational Podcasts, Inspiring People, Life, Mind, New ConsciousnessPodcast: The Awakening of a Scientific Mind April 4, 2016 Valerie Smaldone This podcast will tell you how one session of meditation had turned a scientific mind completely around.
Holistic Lifestyle, Life, Mind, New ConsciousnessGlobal Identity: Who Is the New Us? April 4, 2016 Tanya Pergola, PhD, RYT 1 comment Read about how Tanya Pergola experienced the HEALING SUMMIT 2016 and integrate her practices in your daily life.
Inspiring People, Life, Mind, New ConsciousnessThe Business Drivers of the Future February 29, 2016 Claudia Roth 1 comment This article explores the development of a soulful economy and the shift in global consciousness in the business world.
Holistic Lifestyle, Life, Mind, New ConsciousnessThe Happy Middle – Being Global Citizens February 15, 2016 Tanya Pergola, PhD, RYT Learn about the profoundness of our own true being and how we can find our 'happy middle' in times of globalization.
Anti-Stress, Body, Mind, New ConsciousnessBibliotherapy! Never Heard of it? It’s About Time Then… August 14, 2015 Sophie Dubus Put away your smartphone and take a book into your hands. It will give you more than just entertainment. Read here why.
Holistic Lifestyle, Life, Mind, New ConsciousnessHappiness, an Adventure Within July 3, 2015 Imane Lahlou Finding happiness is not an easy task nowadays. Maybe this article can guide you into the right direction.
Holistic Lifestyle, Life, Mind, New ConsciousnessBuilding a Place For Abundance to Thrive June 18, 2015 John Stamoulos Money is not what your life should be about. Learn how you can create a hub of endless abundance from within.
Holistic Lifestyle, Life, Mind, New ConsciousnessHealing Summit 2015 May 6, 2015 Anne Biging Feel the inspiration of the Healing Summit 2015 and get an impression of what this event is all about.
Holistic Lifestyle, Life, Mind, New ConsciousnessShift Happens March 27, 2015 Anni Hood This article describes how the wellness sector is changing towards more health and healing. The developments are astounding.
Anti-Stress, Body, Mind, New ConsciousnessStruggle With Making Decisions? March 19, 2015 Jenny Rieger 2 comments Do you regularly have problems with making decisions? Then you should maybe give these simple tips a try.
Mind, New ConsciousnessHEALING SUMMIT 2015 Recap March 2, 2015 Annette Gebuhr 1 comment This is a detailed recap of the HEALING SUMMIT 2015.
Anti-Stress, Body, Mind, New ConsciousnessGoing From Survival to Creation January 6, 2015 Sharada Rumi Get out of your daily routine and free yourself to a life of minimum fear, maximized love and overall health.
Mind, Mindfulness, New Consciousness, Soul, Spirituality10 Zen Quotes and Proverbs December 9, 2014 Ina Jürgens Feel inspired by these famous Zen quotes that will make you contemplate about life and the universe.
Life, New ConsciousnessCreating a Paradigm Shift Through a Holistic Lifestyle August 22, 2014 Sabina Woller Find here the video of the Healing Summit of 2014 taking place in Berlin and hosted by Healing Hotels of the World.
Anti-Stress, Body, Mind, New ConsciousnessLet Change Happen January 15, 2014 Ewa Biging Stress is very dangerous to your overall health. Learn how to deal with it and find your way to happiness.
Anti-Stress, Body, Mind, New ConsciousnessFall in Love … With Yourself! January 15, 2014 Ewa Biging Are you feeling stressed out? Learn how to fall in love with yourself and enjoy your life again.
Mind, New ConsciousnessThe Importance of Appreciation in the Workplace January 15, 2014 Christina Koopmann 2 comments Appreciation is a key success factor. Learn how to give a push to those who are responsible for part of the company success.