Reclaim Your Magic Powers
© Almos Bechtold
Have you ever felt as if you have a wellspring of untapped potential—like you were born for something great, but you don’t know how to access all your power? If so, you have experienced a magic crisis. We fall into this state when we feel disconnected from our spiritual selves. The good news? You can reconnect to this power at any time and return to a sense of purpose and fulfilment. I will guide you through simple steps to reclaim your magic powers and shape your life.
What is magic?
Magic is the prime creative force alive within us that urges us into wondrous relationship with all life. It’s participatory because when we feel connected to this spiritual energy, we feel a part of the natural world. We can see signs and symbols of spirit working in our everyday lives, and we are more attuned to synchronicity and in sync with our intuition.
Magic has been downplayed in our culture because it’s been used as a derogatory term since ancient times anytime one group of people wanted to establish religious superiority over another group of people. Or it’s been left in the domain of childhood imagination. Today, we’re waking up to the power of magic and working with it in our lives.
Magic is not manifesting a desire, though manifestation can happen because of magic. Magic powers are the kind of spiritual energies we feel in our bodies in a visceral way. It’s connected to the deeply feeling and intuitive realm. We activate it with our imagination.
It’s easy to see why we fall into a magic crisis from time to time. The world we live in privileges logical thinking and productivity. We learned to suppress our emotions or feel it necessary to validate our intuition with evidence to prove what we feel. It’s as if feeling, alone, isn’t enough, but it is! We also develop complex relationships with our power because of our upbringing and culture. If you’re like me, you learned to fear your power. You might have been told your intuitive hits were just your imagination, for example. So, it’s important to reclaim this power if you’ve felt disconnected from it in any way.
3 steps to reclaim your magic powers
First step: deepen your body awareness
The first step toward realizing your power starts with deepening body awareness. Grounding yourself in your body and feeling your feelings is an important part of this process. One example of how to do this is to take a meditative walk. Feel the ground beneath your feet, breathe in the air and let it fill your lungs, and notice what creatures come near. Open all your senses.
Then, let your thoughts drift by. Go slowly, observing everything around you. Often, students report seeing signs and symbols in their environment. One time, I did this exercise and came across a giant pinecone standing in the very center of the road. It was almost as large as my head, and I couldn’t see where it had come from! The symbolism for pinecones is intuition, wisdom, and an association with the pineal gland. So, I recognized this as a powerful sign! Some students report finding flowers growing from cracks in the concrete or having strange encounters with birds. Try it and see what happens for you.
Second step: quiet that inner voice
The next step toward reclaiming your magic powers is to quiet that inner voice that tells you, “That’s impossible. That will never work. Yeah, right.” This inner naysayer has good intentions – to keep us safe from disappointment. However, magic requires us to suspend disbelief and be open to all possibilities.
Notice when you talk yourself out of something you really want or when you feel dread on the heels of excitement. Stop in the moment, center your awareness in your heart, and find your enthusiasm again. If you’re having a particularly difficult time, change up your routine and add new experiences into your daily life.
Third step: weave your magic into your life
Speaking of the day-to-day, the next step of the process is incorporating magic into your everyday life. Anything you do can be a ritual if you bring the right spiritual awareness to it. I make my morning shower a clearing ritual. I use bath salts to help clear my aura and use that time to reflect on my intentions for the day.
Then, when I’m making dinner, I make that a cooking ritual. I use a special pot that I call my cauldron and have a hand-carved spoon with inlaid stones as my magic wand. I stir positive energy and intentions into anything I prepare. What are your daily practices? How can you make them more meaningful?
Final note
These are three steps you can take to reclaim your magic powers and experience more of it in your life. I’ll add one final one. I found a spiritual community at a metaphysical bookstore when I first started learning to work with my spiritual gifts, and I loved having magical people with whom to share and grow. Indeed, that community made all the difference for me. I encourage you to find your tribe of magical people because opening our spiritual gifts is fun, and when we gather in the spirit of magic, we can shape our lives and change the world.
Comments 1
Jul 23, 2024How do you reconnect with magic if you’re body is so sick that you’re afraid to be aware of it?