Superconscious Miracle Healing
© Marcos Paulo
When it comes to miracles and miracle healing, there are four possible responses:
Doubt leaves little room for the manifestation of miracles. It is an anti-miracle force that actually prevents us from achieving the end goal.
The next level, belief, suggests that we’re open to the prospect of miracle healing. Although we may be receptive, we’re often reliant on a power greater than us to make the magic happen. Belief is easier to attribute to a greater power than us.
Expectancy is a powerful tool. It indicates that we have the faith to anticipate that something greater than ourselves is likely to make our miracle happen. However, we are not quite ready to expect miracles that we, ourselves, have the ability to generate.
Creatorship blossoms when we cocreate and own the vision that will become our reality. It demonstrates that we are the primary source of power that invokes miraculous change and allows us to coauthor the events of our life.
The Power Within
Because we are all part of an evolving, competitive, critical cultural experiment, we’ve been weaned on self-contempt. We have been educated to believe that we are incapable of bringing miracles into our lives. It’s because of this distorted self-image that we are out of the miracle-making loop. The vast majority of the population tends to believe that when it comes to things like miracles, we are powerless. That’s because we are involved with the exterior world. While there is no real miracle power associated with our objective self, our subjective self is in a direct co-relationship with miracles. When it comes to the question of our potential to make miracles, it’s not about what’s “out there”—meaning out in the world; it’s about what’s “in there,” deep within our innermost source.
When I noted the power greater than ourselves, I neglected to mention that the limitless power is actually the very thing that is “in there.” We are a duality. We are both an “I” and a “me.” The “I” is representative of our subjective or limitless power. The “me” refers to our objective, limited self. They coexist. We are both physical in an external field (the “me”) and spiritual in an internal realm (the “I”), both of which can be elevated to a superconscious, miracle-making union.
Raising Awareness
By raising our awareness through a deeply relaxed meditation, prayer, guided trance, and contemplation, we empower the presence of our subjective “I”. And it is only through this subjective self that can activate our miracle making. It’s not that miracle making is impossible for us to achieve, it’s that it’s impossible for the mortal component of our being to achieve on its own. Our immortal, or superconscious self, is more than capable of making miracles. In fact, it is our access to the superconsciousness that empowers us to extinguish doubt, nourish the belief in self, cultivate the expectancy of our abilities, and access our creatorship.
Mindfully living in those concepts and consciously raising our awareness of them is an educational process that becomes part of daily life. Once we educate ourselves to exist in and remain in the subjective “I,” the power for miracle healing will be more abundant in our lives.