Precious Sundays
© freestocks
Sunday mornings are precious!
As I take a day to spend in deep rest, I ponder, what is resting?
I realize that, to me, it means giving attention to and being in communion with my soul. Consider, yourself, rejuvenating that most intimate connection. Playfully listening to the innate being that you truly are, consciously get back in touch with multiple layers of emotions. Even detecting unwanted desires and fears, you can learn to remain the observer of the drama you call your life.
A deep restfulness lies hidden at the depth of your soul. Observe this too, and feel into its whisper. It will most likely only be audible as you put a halt to the usual busyness of your every day life.
Take a rest and leave the rest for a moment, it’s a gift to yourself, I promise.
#soulwhisper #souldesire #souljoy #selflove
Food for your Soul is a regular column featuring short posts for moments of reflection – to look at life from a different perspective (should you choose to!). Invest a few minutes and allow your thoughts to ponder. Awareness creates choice.
Follow me on @SoulLuxury1, on Facebook @soulluxury, or sign up HERE.