Set Your Intention – the Ideal You in 2019
© Pablo Heimplatz
During today’s reflective practice I was guided ever so gently to 2019. A subtle energy directed me to explore my personal motto for the New Year and set my intention. What kind of a motto? My awareness settled on a motto made up of words that describe, in a short sentence, the Ideal Me in 2019 – according to me alone, not according to anybody else.
Creating a conscious transition from one year to another is an empowering experience.
It’s a gift that honours your journey in this lifetime towards the ultimate state of fully living the expression of your True Self. Here, I share a powerful process for doing just that: Set aside some time in your schedule.
Set Your Intention
Create a peaceful environment with soothing music, a candle, and some objects that are meaningful to you. Keep ready a notebook, at least one large sheet of paper, some colourful pens, some magazines to cut from, and a pair of scissors. Dive into a reflective process, all the while using the materials to note down anything of particular importance or to create “Life Art” that can remind you throughout the year to come.
Create your own intention for 2019 with a creative and very personal experience.
Start this experience with setting an intention while connecting to a quiet place within you; take 3 deep breaths and observe (don’t’ judge) the sensations arising. Gently guide your awareness to what does 2019 stand for you? What do you intend to happen? Would it be possible that 2019 will take you beyond your conditioning and beliefs? What limiting beliefs keep you stuck in your comfort zone, and what needs to shift for you to step into your True Self?
Remember: abundance is all around.
Close your eyes and see yourself living your motto. Feel the corresponding emotions. Walk in your desired life. Make the experience feel as real as you can. As Albert Einstein said: “Your imagination is your preview to life’s coming attractions”. I believe imagination is a key step towards manifesting even something as huge as my True Self, or a motto on my way towards that.
I purposely don’t talk about goal setting, as it is unlikely to bring sustainable results. To set your intention is much more powerful. Feeling and walking in your life experience will organically, naturally and freely draw situations and decisions to you that honour your Ideal You. Life is not a list of rigid goals. Instead let intention, focus and a pinch of perseverance guide your thought patterns and decisions to effortlessly steer you towards the Ideal You in 2019.
Enjoy revisiting and – importantly re-living your “Life Art” regularly as it can act as a potent reminder. For me, this process turned into a sacred experience and I know that 2019 will wildly be different to anything I have experienced so far.
My 2019 motto?
“Surrender: Keep an unlimited mind and open heart, trusting that whatever comes is for the best.”
That is the Ideal Me in the New Year. What’s yours?
Wishing you abundance in 2019!
P.s. We will be back after the Festive Season.
Interested to read more? “Food for your Soul” is a column featuring short posts for moments of reflection to look at life from a different perspective (should you choose to!). Invest 3 minutes and allow your thoughts to ponder. Awareness creates choice.