The Youth of Today
© Robert Collins
This May, the HEALING SUMMIT, an annual event by Healing Hotels of the World, took place in Portugal. It is a unique platform for professionals who believe in taking a holistic approach to life and business.
This years theme was Take A Quantum Leap.
To me, with a background in corporate business, it was, as usual, a special opportunity to connect with old and new friends. With colleagues who are also interested in the healing of body, mind and soul spilling over into how we do business. The entire experience reminded me of my inter-connectedness with my Soul Tribe and the world at large.
Youth of a Higher Consciousness
What particularly intrigued me this time around was the inclusion amongst the various world-class speakers, of four kids. Holly Ornstein Carter, Founder and Executive Director of BYkids, a non-profit film company that uses short films made by kids to create understanding through storytelling. She mesmerized us as she interviewed four girls (aged eight and nine) who shared their views about how they see the world and what they expect from us, the older generation, the old ones I dare to say.
Holly asked them four questions:
- What do you do for fun?
- Three things do you wish could be different in the world?
- What do adults do wrong when it comes to fixing problems? And
- What message would you like to send to adults?
The panel of young prophets echoed the likes of the Dalai Lama.
The children made clear that we should focus on what we have in common, not on our differences. Also they reminded us of the urgency to care more for our planet, which our home and their future. It was a brilliant, authentic and intimate closing session. Deeply touching it acted as a clear call for us all to be mindful and present and to fully engage with the youth of today.
Humanity is One Family
What the kids said, in essence, is that it is dialogue, not violence, that is the best way to solve conflicts.
Those kids see humanity as one big family. Which made me think of how Nimisha Rattan, another delegate and contributor to the Summit, summarized the conference: talking about family and the Universal Call to connect deeply. That, to me is what it is all about. I feel I am a conduit in a way, and being present in that moment was important and made me feel whole in a whole different way.
Also, the closing session reminded me of a talk by Kryon, an American channeler, speaker and author that I recently listened to. In it, he said that oftentimes these days the youth are arriving on earth with a higher level of Consciousness already. Teenage Swedish Climate activist Greta Thunberg and Haaziq Kazi who invented a ship that cleans the ocean of plastics are only two examples of this happening I guess.
We are living in historic times and I am convinced the more we listen to the younger generation, the better off we will be.
- Learn more about BYkids at BYkids shares global issues through the personal stories of our young filmmakers, illuminating such issues as islamophobia, climate change, juvenile justice and the Syrian refugee crisis, by kids, for kids.
- The producer is happy to bring a BYkids film to your community and BYkids welcomes strategic partners for funding ($250,000 for each film and teaching material), story development and outreach. Contact:
- Nirmisha Rattan. Energy Healer and Spiritual Wellness Expert
Food for your Soul is a regular column featuring short articles for moments of reflection – to look at life from a different perspective (should you choose to!). Invest a few minutes and allow your thoughts to ponder. Awareness creates choice.
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All original material copyright © 2019 Claudia Roth