Are you a ‘Warrior of Light’ or….Trump & Co.?
© Xuan Nguyen
I have just spent a weekend with indigenous Elders from tribes in South and North America – in the lush fields of Cambridgeshire, England. It was the third Kiva gathering.
My weekend was filled with sacred rituals like morning and evening purifying ceremonies in Sweat Lodges (Temezcals). The many interactions with the Elders learning from their wisdom created shifts in myself. I connected to the emerging new world which I describe being one of love, compassion and deep care for Mother Nature.
In one of the afternoon workshop gatherings, Jyoti (Jeneane Prevatt, PhD), a spiritual teacher and founder of The Fountain spoke about the importance of collaboration being more important than ever while the world is changing. My awareness drifted to current affairs. What is it that is keeping the world in such a dire state? And how can we transcend it?
The thought that crystallized was that, right now, in the world, people belong to one of the following four groups, possibly oscillating between them:
‘Warriors of Light’ – People awakened to the truth of the shift & their role
The ‘Warriors of Light’ know that society is at a point of evolution when something must fundamentally change, at least for humankind to survive. They have answered the call and live their truth. This doesn’t mean that they live in full bliss, always, although some do. ‘Warriors of Light’ are people who deal with their emotions in full awareness and heart-connection.
Authentic indigenous Elders and Self-realized Beings, as well as many activists and leaders belong in this group. The love, wisdom, vision, and guidance from nature (within & without = ultimately the same) is what makes this group of people an inspiration to some and a target of ridicule to others. No matter what, they continue to attract their tribe and march on with their mission.
‘Seekers’ – People aware of the shift & searching for their role in it
I belong to this group, and therefore say that ‘we’ know we have to step up and fully live our truth.”
Here, I place people who have perhaps not yet found that ‘sweet spot’ for making a difference in the world, enough to help us tip over to the new world order. But who have recognized that there is a need to be living their truth in order for the lands inherited by our ancestors to be there also for generations to come.
I also know that, when attempting to “step up”, we will likely meet resistance from within. This inner battle is a natural consequence when we feel urged to step out of our comfort zone, as fears to be ridiculed kick in. We need to stand up for our truth, accepting that this will require inner work, perhaps even pain.
‘Oblivious’ – People not seeing that there is a paradigm shift occurring
They would be the happiest if society would simply continue to operate the way they feel it ’always has done’, or they see that the shift is purely external.
These people are happy with the Status Quo. People belonging to this group may be opposed to inequality / climate change, and work for alternative solutions, but they don’t see a connection between this and their own evolution or growth.
They may not be fully oblivious to the dire state of the world and the earth (they may even be doing good things to support change). However, they look at the world as a purely material reality, unaware of the deeper truths. It’s important to remember, though, that ignorance is not something negative; it simply is. It’s one state of awareness.
‘Trump & Co.’ – People who act as catalysts for the paradigm shift
OK, the name of this group is a bit tongue-in–cheek, but I think it’s also the best name to make clear who belongs to this group. In essence, ‘Trump & Co.” people are seen as evil, or at the least immoral, by many. I surely have seen them as a part of the looming threat to the survival of our human race, but another perspective is that they actually help the shift.
How? They push others (groups 2 & 3) to wake up and step up to shift their perspective and/or take action. ‘Trump & Co.’ people are egotistical and ignorant. Their insular worldview is destructive. And yet, by triggering others, they too are calling them forth to feel and demonstrate the one global family we are all members of.
Years ago, the current version of ‘me’, that successful corporate self-image, would have felt threatened being around ‘Warriors of Light’. It would have made me feel insecure and fearing rejection. I put a label on this group as ‘losers’ as they did not meet my expectation of success. I was ignorant. Now, I see and come to deeply honor their purpose and achievements.
I welcome their love, compassion and wisdom for my transformation. I know I too can step into my power and help us all evolve into the new world order.
And as a reminder (as if you need one!): Your Transformation is the Answer to the Problems of the World Today.
Aho! O’Rise (as the tribal people say)
P.S. Perhaps you resonate with this thought and would like to add something? Or feel free to comment to contest it! Meanwhile I remain convinced that we are one global family – all of us living in the same ocean of fear, longing for love, longing for peace, for generations to come.
My gratitude goes to my teacher Laso Freeman and my soul tribe sharing moments of love, compassion, wisdom & joy.
Food for your Soul is a regular column featuring short articles for moments of reflection – to look at life from a different perspective (should you choose to!). Invest a few minutes and allow your thoughts to ponder. Awareness creates choice.
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All original material copyright © 2019 Claudia Roth