How to Transform Negative Thoughts Into Higher Vibrations
© Cristofer Jeschk
Thoughts Create Vibrations, Vibrations Create Life Experience
They say we have between 50.000 and 70.000 thoughts per day. This means between 35 and 48 thoughts per minute. So overthinking is surely very likely for all of us.
Some people question these numbers, but I think they sound about right. More often than not we are not aware of our thoughts. But each thought counts.
Think about it, how do you feel right now? Or if now is quite neutral, can you remember having positive thoughts and feeling good? And can you remember having negative thoughts and feeling bad?
Why is this? It’s as simple and yet as profound as this:
Positive thoughts lead to positive vibrations and, equally, negative thoughts create negative vibrations. And we attract according to the vibrations we emit – thus pulling towards ourselves certain life situations.
If it makes any sense to you, read on.
Three Steps That can Help Shift Your Vibration
In her book The Sunlit Path, The Mother, the founder of Auroville, a global spiritual eco-village in the south of India, shares a three step method to help you on your way. Choose where to enter depending on your level of awareness:
- When catching a thought, immediately think of something else. You may want to engage your mind in reading a book, or divert your attention through a form of creative expression or some physical exercise. The downside of this practice, which does offer immediate relief from over-thinking, is that thoughts are likely to continue to return and keep pestering your mind.
- Once naturally aware of your thoughts, make a physical movement. As if literally removing an unwanted thought, just as you would a physical object. For this exercise you must have reached a certain level of awareness to catch the thought at its earliest inception and not get carried along with it. The practice here is to not get caught up in unwanted thoughts, emotions and feelings.
- The moment a thought arises, open your hands in front of you with your palms facing upwards. Mentally place your thought in your slightly cupped hands and let the energy of the thought leave you. Finally, visualize a bright light descending on the thought and making it evaporate into love and light, which is what you truly are.
This is how you transform thoughts into thoughts of a higher vibration. Over time this practice will give you freedom, but it requires a certain level of mastery. The aim is not to identify with the thoughts and not to let them ruffle the sense of deep joy. Your vibration will shift and most likely you will feel relief. The Mother promises that when one has reached the third step one is permanently cured of incessant and/or negative thinking.
Remember: Wrong Beliefs (Our Thoughts) Can Keep Us Down
In order not to let negative thoughts pull us down we need to start with questioning our conditioning (how we are programmed). If we consider, at least for a moment, that we are not our thoughts, we stand the chance to take some distance from them.
When we don’t identify with our thoughts we can start to instead become the witness of our thoughts. Viktor Frankl said: “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom and the vibration we send out.
I say: The moment an unwelcome thought, carrying a negative vibration of anxiety, shame or “I am not good enough”, stop. Breathe. Replace the negative thought with the thought that, in essence, at your core, you are love, light and bliss.
Bliss can be described as a deep sense of joy of the kind that Mother talks about, or you might prefer to define it as your “happy place”, the state of being where you feel at one with life. It is there, beneath and beyond the mental chatter of your mind – your thoughts. Try it for yourself, you get the chance some 60.000 times per day!
Food for your Soul is a regular column featuring short posts for moments of reflection – to look at life from a different perspective (should you choose to!). Invest a few minutes and allow your thoughts to ponder. Awareness creates choice.
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