Your Subconscious Mind: The Hidden 90%
© Annie Spratt
Dr. Joe Dispenza is a researcher in the field of neuroscience, epigenetics (to do with the changing of DNA) and quantum physics, who is known for affecting fundamental change in the lives of many people. In 2015 my curiosity and need for hard scientific fact pulled me to attend one of his seminars.
Once a die-hard corporate, I always want to make sure that I am not misled by any fluffy imagination.
Breaking the habit of being myself is my new line of business (tongue-in-cheek!). So no wonder I am interested in Dr. Joe’s work, ‘Breaking the Habit of Being Myself’ also being the title of one of his bestselling books. Admittedly it is a work in progress, this habit-breaking. Actually, it’s a lot more demanding than running a big business, large teams and all. Perhaps that is because this work depends a lot more on the field of my imagination than hard fact.
Imagination is hugely important in creating fundamental change within. Because seeing and feeling the change we want to open to – imagining it to start with – is a powerful aid in shifting our awareness. But imagination is a lot more ethereal than hard fact, so it’s easy to doubt it and to hesitate.
Then Dr. Joe pops up again…
Swimming the sometimes freezing cold and scary waters of personal transformation, at times I ask myself if I can truly trust my imagination. Then, whatever floats I can grab hold of. Paying attention to whatever books people recommend to me is one way of not missing any floats.
By now I am convinced that’s one of the many ways in which the universe is sending me hints. So, when several people independently referred to Dr Joe’s ‘Breaking the Habit…’ within a short space of time, followed by me randomly spotting the book on my shelf, I knew it was time to revisit it.
… Urging me to Dive Deep
Rereading the book, I took in the content with a fresh mind. What especially resonated with my quest to repurpose my life was his suggestion that our personal reality is but an accumulation of or reflection of our personality. This can be simmered down to a combination of what we consistently think, do and are. Thinking, doing, and being, that’s clear enough. But the reasons are more complex and tend to be hidden in our subconscious. By now a Quantum Energy Coach specialising in the subconscious I felt drawn to sign up for Dr Joe’s regular newsletters.
I believe, as demonstrated through my own practice of Quantum Energy Healing and Coaching, that we are only aware in normal life of some 10 percent of our minds. This part represents the tip of the iceberg. The other 90 percent, our subconscious mind, is synonymous with the mass of the iceberg that is hidden below the water.
Just as I have observed many times over by now, on this path it’s as if taking one step, the next presents itself as a consequence. In this case, when the first newsletter dropped into my inbox, on a day of holidaying, it was the pre-sale of the advanced workshop about to take place that caught my attention (explain the reason for that!).
My commitment to creating a new and more deeply satisfying reality for myself is, by now, well established. I felt the urge to sign up and to truly apply myself, preparing to swim ever deeper into my subconscious in search of transformation. But something in me was stopping me.
The Subconscious and Synchronicity in Action
Although the recent chain of events – the book mention and spotting, as well as the newsletter, the various coincidences of Dr. Joe popping back up – seemed to be clear signs that I was meant to attend the conference, something inside seemed to be trying to sabotage. I wanted to be one of 1,800 people dedicating 7 days to changing their lives, and still I thought: ‘Do I have time? Is it worth the investment? What if …’. Many reasons popped into my mind to find that counter argument and stay put. But I realised what was happening in my internal world. My old ‘friends’ called procrastination and self-sabotaging were at work.
The real work, for personal transformation, consists of exploring the hidden 90 percent of the iceberg – the subconscious mind. What is hidden from view is normally kept from our conscious awareness for a reason. Our ego thinks it is doing us a favour protecting us from pain and fear, but it is actually what keeps us stuck.
Just as I was sitting and debating with myself whether I should dive deep, floats removed, hand held for days on end, a good friend turned up for a surprise visit. In order not to be rude and ignore her, I listened to the inner voice telling me ‘just book it, or it will be too late’. So I did, and then went on to focus on being a good hostess. When I couldn’t break a habit, it seemed something stepped in to help.
P.S. My curiosity tickled me. As I later checked in to see if I could still have reserved a spot, had I kept procrastinating, it became clear it sold out within the first hour!
I shall soon report back to you all.
Interested to read more? “Food for your Soul” is a regular column by Claudia Roth – featuring short articles for moments of reflection to look at life from a different perspective (should you choose to!). Invest 3/4 minutes (on this occasion 5 minutes!) and allow your thoughts to ponder. Awareness creates choice.
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About the Author: People want to feel healthy, happy and more deeply connected. Claudia’s aim as an author is to bring the most meaningful spiritual wisdom into modern context making it accessible to those longing for a full experience of Self, one that goes beyond the current hype of self development.
All original material copyright © 2020 Claudia Roth