The Difference Between Your Twin Flame and a Soulmate
© Aj Garcia
Many people think that twin flames and soulmates are the same thing. The two terms are often used interchangeably, yet they represent two completely different types of relationships. A soulmate relationship is one you have with another being. The twin flame relationship is one that you have with yourself. To better comprehend this, it’s necessary to understand what a “soulmate” and “twin flame” actually are.
What is a Soulmate?
A soulmate is a mate of your soul. Your soulmate is someone that you resonate with on a soul level. This can include family, friends, a lover, and even animals. Anything that has a soul and energy can be a soulmate.
How your soul determines what kind of soulmate the person is depends on which part of your soul’s frequency resonates with the other person’s soul frequency. An example of this would be you resonate with your lover and your lover resonates with you on a romantic, sexual, and loving soul frequency.
Family members are all your soulmates. All family members have separate souls but there is a close resonance just by virtue of you being family.
Friends can be soulmates as well; we magnetize in people who we resonate with on a soul level.
Animals have souls, many people have deep love for their pets and feel understood by them. We are able to resonate with them on a soul level, making them soulmates.
We can have more than one soulmate in this lifetime. The degrees of intensity you share with each soulmate vary depending on how each soul recognizes the other’s soul frequency.
Ever-Changing Resonance
We are human, we are constantly changing, and evolving as people. As we evolve, we change. Because we are in a constant state of growth and change, we may resonate with someone’s soul one day and not necessarily resonate the next, and that’s ok.
In this 3D physical world that’s changing all the time, it makes sense that people change so quickly and can leave your life suddenly.
What is a Twin Flame?
Your twin flame isn’t a separate soul or another person that you can resonate with. What makes someone your twin flame is that they aren’t a separate soul; their soul is your soul. Your twin flame is your soul in another body. In order for your soul to assimilate energetically into the 3-D physical world of duality and opposites it needed to make two opposites of itself. One of those opposites “which are called polarities in energetic terms” is in your body, and the other opposite is in the body of your twin flame. Everybody is and has a twin flame. While you can have soul mates that resonate with you on many different levels, with your twin flame is exactly you. He or she shows parts of yourself to you. Everyone has crossed paths with their twin flame in every lifetime, although it’s just recently that people’s souls have been recognizing themselves within the physical bodies of the other. This is called “soul recognition” and activates the two polarized energies within both twin flames. The polarized energies manifest in a push-pull fashion: thus beginning the twin flame journey
Your twin flame is essentially you. You will resonate with them like no other because you share the same soul frequency, something that is unique and that you don’t share with anyone else in any realm and that binds you to your twin flame for all eternity. Soulmates can come into our lives in many forms and for any number of reasons, but your twin flame’s purpose is to show you previously denied shadow parts of yourself. The lesson of this journey is to accept these parts of yourself so that you can eventually love yourself unconditionally.