Your Journey ‘Home’ – On Finding Your Spiritual Teacher
© Claudia Roth
Being focused purely on the material aspects of life one eventually detects an inner vacuum – the feeling that something is missing. We all long to come ‘home’, whether we know it or not.
The journey ‘home’ is what life is all about – and it’s got everything to do with not getting lost in illusion and the myriad dramas of the ego. Many understand this and dedicate their lives to this, whereas most people in the world proudly count their worldly belongings (homes, cars, watches, careers – you name it!) and refer to this material accumulation as success.
Sorry to say so, but most people live in illusion.
The Call to Come ‘Home’ Will Find You
That life is not about having the most riches or things when one dies, or even the most amazing experiences during life, but about journeying ‘home’ is an understanding that will dawn on each and every one sooner or later – and, if not in this life, then in another.
So, What is This ‘Home’?
Call it freedom, bliss, or a deep joy smiling at you from the place of your soul within. Call it what you like, when the longing comes knocking, you will know it. Standing on the doorstep to freedom and bliss you will feel your own tenderness. At first you may want to reject it, however, but once ‘it’ has knocked on the door of your soul there is no way back.
Advances in making your inner world as important as your outer world have the potential to make you fall in love with your life (again), and in the process, with the entire world. You are on your way to becoming one with life…
I heard my longing come knocking and nurtured it for years, unable to call it anything else than ‘something’. This ‘something’ has turned my life upside down and taken root in me as a mission: To help others to open up to their ‘something’ – the call to come ‘home’ – too.
People having read about me ‘coming out of my spiritual closet’ often ask how they too can find the ‘right’ teacher in the midst of the dizzying number of gurus – as some teachers call themselves – out there.
My feeling, and therefore my standard answer, is that:
Once you are ready to embrace a teacher to help you navigate your way out of illusion and the myriad dramas of the ego, he or she will appear.
I’d add only, ‘as if by magic’. Isn’t it wonderful… that as we are called to return ‘home’ there is also a mechanism (or many) to help us heed the call?
Even as we rest assured that the teacher will appear, it will be good to ensure it is the ‘right’ teacher i.e. a ‘wise’ teacher. And based on the teachers that I have met along the path, I can confidently say that a wise teacher (i.e. a right teacher) will always point you towards seeing that:
The guru you need to meet is the guru inside yourself.
These, essentially, are the checks to make. If you, on the contrary, meet a teacher or a guru who tells you that you need them, be wary. You need them only to guide you to your own inner guru; be clear.
Why do I issue this warning? Because I feel it is relevant at a time when more and more ‘spiritual teachers’ are appearing, as if out of nowhere.
Some Practical Advice for Assessing the Teacher
In addition to ensuring that the teacher is leading you back ‘home’ to yourself rather than attempting to make you in any way depend on him or her, here is a short additional checklist:
- A wise teacher doesn’t give you advice. Instead s/he ignites your awareness from a place of love and deep caring. This way, s/he helps you see through your own illusions or assumptions you make about yourself that are not true.
- If you do receive advice, and especially unasked, ask yourself from what place this advice is coming. Try to feel if the advice sits well with you. Take a deep breath, connect with your heart and ask your inner teacher, “Does it feel right for me?” If it doesn’t, it may be because the teacher is unconsciously displaying some of her/his own unresolved issues, and this teacher can’t be referred to as wise enough.
- A wise teacher encourages you to find your ‘own’ ‘right action’ yourself. Because he or she knows that, deluded or not, nobody knows your own life better than you do.
- A wise teacher doesn’t judge.
- A wise teacher doesn’t project fear.
- I repeat: Co-dependency is not the goal here, far from it. If you feel that it is developing, be very mindful! Ultimately, the wise teacher is the teacher who resides within you. We all carry within the seeds of intuition and wisdom. Our intuition can show us a way out of personal chaos. Our wisdom can kick in and help us calm the sensed chaos enough for our intuition to be heard.
- It may also help to ask others who are associated with this teacher or guru. Try to be open to how you feel as you interact with these ‘students’. They may believe, limited by their own awareness, that they have moved beyond the ego (if only by inches), but is it so?
- Not name, fame or claim: What is this teacher like behind the curtains of performance either physically or digitally? What is their relationship to their friends, family, community or meeting a regular person on the street? How does he/s interact and behave?
- Ideally, a wise teacher will be able to transmit energy to help you rise to an elevated consciousness. You will know when this is happening, whether it’s a sigh of relief escaping you or a palpable shift in your body, both being signs that obsolete energy is leaving you, freeing you. This will be a lot more helpful than allowing another person into your life who ‘tells you what to do’.
All the best for hearing the Call and for Your Journey ‘Home’!
I bow to my wise teachers. I thank you for your unconditional love and wisdom:
Vijay, Bea & Lazo
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About the Author: People want to feel healthy, happy and more deeply connected. Claudia’s aim as an author is to bring meaningful spiritual wisdom into modern context making it accessible to those longing for inner fulfilment.
All original material copyright © 2020 Claudia Roth
Comments 2
RYan seigler
Dec 19, 2021Please contact me. Have questions. Thank you
Maria T Maehlman
Dec 31, 2020I AM A student ready for my spiritual teacher.