Body, HealthStress and Pregnancy: 6 Tips to Survive December 14, 2021 Jasmine Anderson Pregnancy can be overwhelming. We compiled six tips to help you feel more at ease, balanced and less stressed throughout this magical time.
Body, Health, Mind, New ConsciousnessGet a Handle on Your Physical And Mental Health in 2022 December 2, 2021 Looking for new years resolutions? Here are four ideas to get you started in the new year for the healthiest version of yourself.
Body, Health, Mind, New ConsciousnessHow to Use Your Relationship to Heal Past Trauma November 18, 2021 Mat & Ash A beautiful guide on self-healing and self-love through a conscious self-reflection and the power of connection - to the self and to others.
Beauty, Body, HealthAutumn DIY Balm for Tired Legs November 2, 2021 Renate de Mario Gamper Perfect for the autumn season, here is a DIY balm containing red vine leaves and chestnuts to boost circulation and blood flow in your legs and feet.
Anti-Stress, BodyHow to Help a Stressed-Out Friend October 12, 2021 If you notice that one of your friends is going through a rough time, here’s what you can do to make their days a little brighter.
Body, DetoxHow to Detoxify Your Liver After a Night Out September 23, 2021 Hangovers can be an annoying affair. Here are some tips on how to support your liver in its vital detoxification process to get back on your feet.
Body, Fitness, Food, NutritionThe Benefits of Protein for Health and Fitness September 20, 2021 Protein is vital for anyone who wants to achieve their fitness goals. Here, we have listed the main benefits of increasing your protein intake.
Body, Healing WaterThermal Water as a Healer September 8, 2021 Dr. Carlo Sturani This article describes how therapeutic treatments draw so much power and energy from the healing quality of thermal waters - a natural healer.
Body, Health5 Simple Ways to Improve Your Health August 31, 2021 When it comes to leading a healthy lifestyle, it can be difficult to know where to begin. Here are a few steps you can take to improve your health.
Body, SleepHow to Tell You Are Sleeping Too Much August 19, 2021 We all know about the negative side effects of sleeping too little. But what happens to the body if we sleep too much? Read here to learn more.
Beauty, Body, HealthWhat is Oxymel and How Can You Use it? August 17, 2021 Renate de Mario Gamper This "sour honey" can do wonders for your health and wellbeing. The modern alchemist Renate de Mario Gamper teaches you the hows and whys.
Body, Food, Graceful Aging, NutritionHeart-Healthy Diet: 6 Steps to Prevent Heart Disease August 13, 2021 Our diet is vital in promoting a healthy heart and preventing disease. This article explores 6 easy steps to boost your health and overall wellbeing.
Body, FitnessAnkle, Shoulder, and Back Exercises You Need to Know July 29, 2021 Zac Ferry If you are into weight training this one is for you. We have compiled the best exercises for ankle, shoulder and back training.
Beauty, BodyNatural Ways To Get Glowing Skin July 21, 2021 Jasmine Anderson By changing or incorporating these few simple habits into your daily lifestyle, you will be able to ensure radiant and healthy-looking skin.
Body, Fitness, Weight LossFive Tips to Motivate Yourself at the Gym June 29, 2021 If you have trouble getting yourself into a workout routine, read on for a few tried and true tips to get yourself motivated for the gym.
Body, Healing Water, Health7 Amazing Health Benefits of Beachgoing June 14, 2021 Christopher Daniel Gonzalez In the northern hemisphere, summer is finally upon us. As summer and beach go hand in hand, we compiled some amazing benefits of beachgoing!
Body, Food, Health, NutritionEnergy Self-Test: Superconscious Nutritional Diagnosis May 17, 2021 Mark Mincolla 1 comment Inflammation causes imbalances in the body. Here is an easy to follow energetic self-test to figure out what foods to love and which ones to avoid.
Body, Food, Graceful Aging, NutritionNutrition and Aging: What You Need, and Where To Find It April 16, 2021 Annie Miller Ageing is one of the most natural processes there is. So how can we support our bodies with proper nutrition as we age? Read here.
Body, Fitness, Graceful AgingHow Aging Affects Muscle Loss March 3, 2021 Thomas Nemel When we age, our body naturally changes. Learn here about what happens to our muscles as we grow old and what we can do to prevent sarcopenia.
Beauty, BodyDiscussing Clean Beauty as The Beauty Trend For The Next Decade February 22, 2021 Ewa Biging In this interview with Julius Eulberg, a modern alchemist, we will learn about clean beauty and what to be aware off in modern cosmetics.